Smash Bros Brawl Custom Level: The Pit

Published 2008-03-24
Let Mortal Kombat Begin

This is The Pit. With spikes underneath and walls on the sides, the only way to "FINISH" your opponent is an uppercut to their death!

I've thought about putting a platform inside the pit somewhere, because not only does the computer have a lot of trouble getting out, its also impossible for some players to get out with out assistance. If I do put a platform somewhere, it'll be the one that falls and disappears for a while that way you'll have to wait before using it again.

All Comments (12)
  • @Harmon2
    Now this was a LOT better than my pit of death XD ...can't...resist...urge... "NO! Not into the pit! IT BUUUUURNS!!!" ...sorry XP
  • @krackerkid5
    ha ha, two hours. i love these kinds of matches. if i have a few hours to kill i'll do one. with a games with a few lives, luck can take over and give the win to someone who isnt the best player. but with 99 lives, luck is a little more watered down, and its more about who's better that wins.
    these kinds of maps are called cpu killers :3
  • @herosonic2
    true if only they let you make scrolling levels like big blue and unlimited space
  • @yvngfist
    i have someting like that but it had the falling bricks XD";
  • @krackerkid5
    couldve made it better, but youre kinda limited to what you can do in the stage creator