Growing and Using Comfrey - Perfect Plant for Permaculture Vegetable Gardening

If there was one plant I would grow more of, it would be comfrey. In this video I tell you how comfrey is grown and also demonstrate how to use comfrey as a liquid feed and a mulch. If you are interested in subscribing to the Permaculture Magazine (which I highly recommend), use the code: HuwsNurseryPM16 at the checkout for a 5% discount:
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コメント (21)
  • Comfrey bocking 14 knocked out my back pain for the last three years.I take one big leaf cut it up throw in my vitamix blender with a glass of water and a glass of ice and say good bye to back pain.
  • i manage an organic farm in byron bay australia and use comfrey all the time for composts, bed creation, feeding to the animals and worms. My boss on the other hand, completely unaware of all the uses it receives treats it like a weed and furiously wants it gone.. needless to say, he doesn't like permaculture people believing they're too idealistic and not business oriented enough. I'm looking forward to one day proving him wrong or one day getting a job (paid position) in permaculture of which I have studied. In the interim I will go on having all my practices bastardized in favor of good business practice. At least we don't use chemicals.
  • @jc1ness1
    It is the best burn salve ever. Grind root and apply. From sunburn to severe burn. Completely takes away the pain !!!
  • Ate comfrey throughout my pregnancy and walked everywhere. Skin glow and hair. Strong teeth and bone. More importantly, liver cleansing for weight loss. Made comfrey tea. And lost 15kilos after birth and eating comfrey. That was 36yrs ago!😋😃👍💪
  • @TeoSarp
    i follow you since 2020-21 and somehow i found this video from google, DUDE, you aged like wine lol. really appreciate your positive energy and clear educative speech, you are one of the youtubers who inspired me a lot through my interest of gardening. i have learned a lot and i've more to learn from you. keep it my dude.
  • Been gardening for 65 years and just became aware fo Comfrey’s benefits this year. Lady moved in down the street and has way too much for her liking, so I get it ALL. Just added about five bushels to my newly built compost heap - it’s at least three cubic yards in total. Has hit 160ºF in three days. Start turning it tomorrow! Also found massive pants growing in the ditch adjacent to my property... Green Gold! Love your channel.
  • I love comfrey! As both a gardener and an herbalist....I would not want to be without it! Great video!
  • Comphrey has healed my whip lash, my moms ankle and coworkers foot & my aunts hip. 🌿🌿🌞💜
  • @AJ-lo5kf
    omg when the little girl screamed LOL cute!
  • 5 years of using comfrey and I am still finding new ways to use it! Runner beans love comfrey tea during fruiting phase, even carrots do really well with it.
  • I've used comfrey tea for years. I also chop and drop it as mulch. I use Russian Bocking 14 with an NPK of 1.8-0.5-7.0. I brew it in a 32 gallon black garbage can. Let it sit for 3 months to a year. I don't strain it, I just take the sprinkler off the can so I don't clog up the cans. I also use fermented plant juice made from comfrey which I foliar spray. I use only 1/4 teaspoon for 5 gallons. It's very powerful stuff. I also make lacto microorganisms which is also fermented. I combine it with the fermented plant juice and spray it every two weeks. It works pretty well. The only other addition I use for supplemental fertilization is some fast acting bone meal . I will use it when I start to see flowers forming on my tomatoes and peppers. Love it! Blessings to you. This was a wonderful video.
  • EXCELLENT video, Huw. I keep Comfrey close to every veggie bed I have. Make it easy to use as a mulch or tea. I make sure I freeze 1/2 cup portions that I have put in my food processor. I then use as a poultice throughout the year. I also make an Comfrey oil infusion. Thank you for inspiring others to grow Comfrey.
  • We use comfrey to feed all our plants. Great video Huw. For those not wanting it to spread bocking 14 will be the best variety as it in infertile and can only be cultivated by root division.
  • In autumn last year I put loads of comfrey in a Barrell and added late March I emptied onto my strawberry bed..the plants are doing so well
  • Oh my goodness! Huw you were a baby. Thanks for always giving good garden info ❤️
  • Comfrey is amazing! Watch out when taking root cuttings though.. Even dropping a tiny piece of root the size of your pinky finger nail can sprout a plant in unwanted places. LOVE your videos.
  • @111Lky
    When my mom's ankle was swollen, red and angry looking from a sprain, I used poultice made from ground comfrey, plantain, self heal with alcohol and within one night she went from pain to 80% reduction in pain, she was also able to put her weight on that feet. Fast healing! My mom's now a believer:) Other name for Comfrey is very apt-Knitbone, boneset.
  • you are a great teacher, excited to see you focusing on permaculture.
  • Just found out what this is, and we have like 8 mature plants from the previous owners of our house! Stoked to use this for our garden, thanks!