Australia 'on the brink' of break-up amid Voice to Parliament push

Publicado 2022-08-09
The break-up of Australia is no longer a far fetched idea but one of the "current political possibilities", Quadrant Editor and historian Keith Windschuttle argues.

The Albanese Labor government has proposed an Indigenous Voice to Parliament enshrined in the Constitution.

The Voice to Parliament was a key element of the 2017 Uluru Statement from the Heart and called for an elected Indigenous advisory body to the Federal Parliament.

The Labor Government brought the issue to the centre of its agenda when Mr Albanese declared on election night that there would be a referendum in his first term.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese addressed concerns on the move and assured the establishment of the Voice would not act as another chamber of parliament.

Mr Windschuttle said the push by Indigenous activists behind the Voice is all about Aboriginal "sovereignty".

"A lot of the Aboriginal activists, who are now the leaders of what you might call the Aboriginal political class, have been saying 'we never ceded sovereignty, the country belongs to us'," he told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

"They think that people like us who were born here and whose grandparents were born here are still usurpers.

"It's all about sovereignty."

He also said the break-up of Australia is no longer a distant concept but "on the brink" of really happening.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @pageachatter229
    If someone can't even take the oath of office seriously, they shouldn't be in government to begin with.
  • @kylow935
    Man, as a black person from South Africa things like this make me sad. And I've been seeing it everywhere even here in South Africa where the government seeks to sow division through race. It hits different when you have white friends and family too because you can clearly see the government is becoming very biased against white people for things that their ancestors did. I cannot, for the life of me, blame and hate on someone who's done nothing wrong to me, just because they share the same skin tone as those who committed atrocities to others in the past. Its like wanting to shoot a baby in the face for what it's dad did. It's wrong man. The government should be uniting us even more instead of what they're doing now. That's the end to all this racism stuff because i can tell you, it's very hard to hate and despise someone in your own family or team. And as a black person it's really exhausting because people expect you to pick a side and it's like NO DUDE!!! I'm on the side of the human race! So yeah it sucks man. They should be making us equal and united instead of oppressing and dividing us🥺😔😔😔
  • @MrTIGERH1752
    As my wife and I are indigenous people of North America, we consider this as absurd. We are a conquered people for almost 200 years now, and we are assimilated. When we look at our relatives who took the White mans welfare, and live on the reservation, all we see is sloth and substances abuse, and not progress. The rest of our families, that stayed off the reservation are mostly well educated professionals. Wife and I with the most minimal of education with only a masters degrees in Mechanical Engineering. The rest are all PhD's !!! We still respect our native cultures, but with out our assimilation over the generations we would be worthless drunken paupers living on tribal lands. Indian gaming is a farce, as the tribes that host gamboling are simply the white man's pawns. They get about 1% of the profit, and the Whites get 99%. This isn't a small amount, about $10,500 for each tribal member, per month, even they youngest child. Just enough to keep most of them drunk or stoned and un happy, as they now seek to limit membership in the certain tribes and Clans to keep others out. This is what the White mans money has gotten them !!! So NO THANKS !!! we have always made our own money, and are beholding to no one for what we worked to acquire. The United States as we see it is, One Nation for all, and as such is a Nation for all who believe as we do, and support our government and it's institutions. All our men folks have served, or are serving in our militaries, and have for over 400 years, even before America became it's own country. It was still our country. We fought on both sides of every war, until the Spanish American war. Both sides of the revolutionary war, and both sides of the Civil war, plus all the little Indian wars in between. We are Americans, who happen to come from indigenous backgrounds. Separate reservations never work, and leave our Nation weak and divided for no good reason. We all benefit from our colonization, by our colonizers, so we have the best of both worlds. We don't live in the past, or believe foolish notions, like the return of the Buffalos, or dead pony soldiers falling from the sky. I know that our Aboriginal friends in Australia, or our Maori folks in New Zealand had problems with colonization, just like we did. But that's past and gone. Our future, and our children's futures are with the majority culture, which is mostly White. We have no issues with our Nations multicultural people. We really have no other way of understanding, as America has always been this way for many generations. For Christ sakes !!! it's the 21st century !!! Time to move on , and move up !!! Now we have potential enemies form other countries like China, and Russia, who would take our land. At this point we need to stand together, and stand strong against these potential invaders. That or learn Chinese or Russian !!! LOL !!! Now is not the time in history for a divided Nation !!! We have never been discriminated against, because we work, and are valued members of our community, serving in technical fields. what we do makes us who we are, not only as a people, but as individuals. America is great, just like Australia, because our citizens make our countries great. A lot of this separatist movement is starting to remind me of the BLM scam, and fraudulent misrepresentation, who wants that crap !!! I'll bet these folks all have PhD's in some sort of cultural studies, or gender studies, and not real degrees in real things like STEM !!! Cultural and ethnic divisions are just foolish and are used to con people out of their money. This WOKE shit needs to stop, as it does no one any good. Tim
  • @aussietim7974
    When the Labour Party is in govt there is always trouble...
  • @Antaragni2012
    Good luck australians. Here in Brazil we are observing the same "phenomenon". Make no mistake. These NGOs & polititians are working for foreign interests and aim to create caos and division in the society.
  • @ix-Xafra
    All the activists are paler than I am.
  • @ProjectOverseer
    The people (whom unfortunately put these puppets in power) need to make a stand before things become irreversible.
  • @StarlasAiko
    I would say, let them have independence and start paying for their infrastructure themself...but I doubt Australia wants to have a third world country inside their borders.
  • @benjamin4894
    The whole 'first nations' people thing's a joke. There was nothing here even remotely resembling a 'nation-state' when the settlers arrived and we should all cease being polite in the face of such blatant lies!
  • @kerra3699
    I was born in Australia, I have grown up an Aussie and raised three children as Aussies, and have six Aussie grandchildren. There are many Aussie generations before me. Yet now I am to be a stranger in my homeland.
  • An "Aboriginal Only" parliament is to consist of "Aboriginal Only" ideas and paradigms then. Seeing as Thorpe hates the queen so much, she is, by default, ineligible to practice The Westminster system. If they want to secede and govern separate to the rest of the country, then they can do it without the luxury of modern infrastructure and western practices. They can hold court out in the wild just like their ancestors did and they can mete out punishment the exact same way. News flash to Ms Thorpe; women will hold almost ZERO executive power as ancient aboriginal history was incredibly mysoginystic. So go ahead Lydia, put your money where your mouth is. After a month, you'll be scrambling to locate your "white privilege" card.
  • @Sparky_D
    They don't want the land, just the money that comes with the royalties from the rest of us using said land. It's an absolute joke.
  • @audremyers422
    It seems the entire world has lost its collective mind!
  • @python27au
    So just as a hypothetical. If we were attacked and overrun by a hostile nation. Would they expect help defending “their sovereign” nation from the hated Australian government? Or would they complain to the invaders that this is their land? How would that go down?
  • @beyondfubar
    We all talk about the pandemic of coronavirus, but no one ever talks about the pandemic of stupidity.
  • I'm scots/irish descent and have no love for the monarchy, but I love my country and respect our history and traditions. For Lydia Thorpe to serve in our parliament, take the money and perks and constantly talk the country down is disgraceful.
  • A 'sovereign' woman rolling around in the dollars minted in the image and name of Her Majesty, the 'colonising' Queen. With all due respect, Lidia Thorpe sounds like a scorned streetwalker who despises her clients but absolutely loves their money.
  • @AccordionJoe1
    What is happening in Australia and Canada is why we Americans will never give up our guns. We want to be able to overthrow the political tyrants if need be and without weapons, that is impossible.
  • @loumencken9644
    What economist Thomas Sowell said about the US applies equally to Australia- some Australians will never appreciate Australia, until after they have helped destroy it, and have then begun to suffer the consequences.