How ADHD Affects Communication — and Strategies to Improve It (with Mark Bertin, M.D.)

Published 2022-12-15
In this hour-long ADDitude webinar, Mark Bertin, MD, discusses the impact of ADHD and executive function challenges on communication, and offers practical solutions for communicating with more ease — and clarity and less reactivity.

Download the slides associated with this webinar here:…

11:14 ADHD, Language and Fluency
19:29 General Communication Guidelines
37:02 Mindfulness and Communication Exercise
47:40 Summary
48:37 Q&A

Related Resources
1. Download: Become a Small-Talk Superstar…

2. Read: The Power of Role-Play for Building Social Skills

3. Read: The ADHD Guide to Naturally Flowing, ‘Normal’ Conversations…

4. eBook: The ADHD Guide to Making Social Connections…

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All Comments (21)
  • @AD-Dom
    I’m an adult that hasn’t been able to adjust to my life. This guest has made the most sense that I’ve heard in a looooong time. It’s hard to find help when you do know what to ask.
  • I love how many webinars ADDitude offers but I wish it was more clearly defined when they will be more geared towards children / parents versus adults with ADHD. Based on the advertising for this webinar, I had expected this to be focused on adult communication.
  • @kf4083
    This is great great information! For everyone! And this is really great information for people in leadership and management situations also. And great great points on ADHD ! 💖💖💖
  • @isacare360
    Finally someone who absolutely talks fully about communications issues. I'm glad i got curious to see by myself and took that time ❤ Plus VERY helpful for partners to understand adhd people 🙏
  • @sarahl795
    I wish my adhd allowed me the attention span to listen to this.
  • I'm so bad at multi-step requests that I'll now just stop people mid flow and say 'sorry there's no chance I'm remembering all of these instructions, either text me them, write them down or it's not getting done lol' 😂
  • 😢 an hour long videos is too long for me, a summary in comments by someone or timestamps on video by creator would be really help
  • @amyhoover9
    I know that mindfulness has helped me a TON over the years, but depending on the severity of such ADHD symptoms, the subject of such matters may need more specialized care and attention. I was diagnosed with ADD, which means that a lot of my symptoms are purely related to focus and concentration, which makes picking up mindfulness either easy or difficult depending on my mental/emotional state and how distracted I feel. ADHD has 3 different types, and like any other disability, they do come on a spectrum with either high functioning or low functioning traits. It's important to keep in mind where the individual falls on that spectrum and to personalize the experience.
  • I need help in my state. I am constantly denied. I don't know how to go about it 😕. State keeps denying me.. WHERE in oregon can I get the support and services I really need.
  • @Hippespinster
    I'm totally getting how mindfulness can help with communication, but isn't it kind off the thing with ADHD that mindfulness is very very hard to do because of the executive function issues? I practiced for years and still can't be aware most of the time, because my mind is such a freaking mess... Either overstimulated and shuts down or so bored it gets distracted and very chatty. Because of that I'm always tires and for being aware you really need a rested brain. I really wish there was way more guidance within mindfulness for people with adhd. Or is it just me who struggles so much with that? If I'm present and aware my ADHD is usually not even an issue, but getting there is exactly the problem.🤷🏼‍♀️
  • @1-1-1-1-jakeje
    I've got an idea! Let's take a topic of interest for someone with attention deficits and executive functions and start with a 3-minute intro and "some housekeeping items".
  • @erinjean9971
    I made it to 35min before I realized I haven’t been listening. Break time, I’ll be back someday to finish. 😂.
  • @tbaraklmia
    فيديو للadhders المقدمة مالته ٤ دقايق؟ تحجي صدك انت و اني مليت بأول ٤ دقايق
  • Is that a wind chime in the background?! What in the hell is that occasional high pitch type of noise???? Anyone else? Will have to comb the comments in a minute. Barely noticeable, but dang it.
  • @ir4700
    53mins ish - what if the hurtful blurting out repetition is related to commonly co-occurring Tourettes? I'm guessing consequences could increase anxiety /frustration? I'm not sure I ever learned from consequences - I do seem to do better with my son and just ask him why... what's behind it. Harder work but otherwise potentially no resolve and just a masking of frustration til the next time could occur...for me consequences - do not deter- no matter how big a deal-learning/having benefits for me does help though.
  • @MWong2005
    How can my school support my 10th grader with his ADHD?