Dan Schneider Apologizes

Published 2024-03-21

All Comments (21)
  • @UrResidentGhost
    I tell you what’s criminal, HOW LITTLE JAIL TIME THESE MFS GET
  • @kalebs6201
    That mother who didn’t report abuse because she feared being called a bad mother, proved she was a bad mother by not reporting her daughter’s abuser
  • @OseiBayard
    "I was afraid people would think I was a bad mom." Well, the irony of your choice, ma'am is now everyone knows for certain you are a bad mom for not immediately protecting your daughter and preventing further abuse by stopping a creep. Congrats, task failed successfully.
  • @lizzfrmhon
    Big props to Jeannette McCurdy for first of all surviving this horrendous environment, writing her book and exposing Nickelodeon and Dan for what they did.
  • The mom who didn’t call the police made me so mad… YOU ARE YOU CHOSE YOUR IMAGE AND EGO OVER YOUR CHILD
  • @koffinrott
    When I was 7 I begged my mom to let me be a child actor for Nickelodeon. I had seen a commercial for auditions (I think?? I do remember hearing about Nickelodeon auditions somewhere.) She refused. I was upset at the time, but as an adult looking back on it, I'm kind of glad that it never happened.
  • @SpelCastrMax
    There should be a Disney version! Disney kids have been messed up by the system since the 50s
  • @ghost_to_a_ghost
    i like how he didn't apologize until that documentary dropped. shows that he REALLY means it :face-turquoise-covering-eyes:
  • @monkey_0080
    Him “apologizing” doesn’t get all of those kids childhooods back. He’s disgusting, and needs to be LOCKED UP! He knew exactly what he was doing. And he, and the rest of those people didn’t give a flying f*** . 😐
  • @Spent_Jungus
    You're not getting enough credit for that thumbnail my guy. The infamous apology ukulele
  • @izzatihassan1475
    I first knew about this Schnieder guy from Jeanette's book (the girl from iCarly show). Schneider promised girls that they have their own show if they follow what he said, forces to audition with a bikini, pushes these kids to drink alcohol, makes Jeanette has a kissing scene despite her and her costar being from a conservative family. And her momager being an enabler just made it worse. Wonder how many parent knowingly put their kids through this in the current time.
  • @dannyphantom3090
    I find it ironic how Dan said women aren't funny when all his shows have girls as the main character except drake and josh and henry danger.
  • @ayyscrumpy
    dan schneider looks like a close up of a SpongeBob character
  • @ryannnnn.mp4
    I really hate that it takes a netflix-style doc for the mainstream media to actually shed light on these horrible things.
  • @johnridolfo2290
    The fact that Dan keeps saying he's embarrassed by his actions instead of being deeply ashamed by them says it all
  • @Dr_Seaword
    For context, Drake's father was his manager at the beginning of his career. Brian Peck forced his way into Drake's life and caused a rift between Drake and his father where his dad was forced out and his mother took over as his agent and then Peck started his heinous acts. Drake's father didn't like Peck and suspected he would do something like this.
  • @b3ard3d_w0nd3r
    Not defending what Drake Bell did but during the trial for what he did, the girl lied under oath and it came out that she lied about her age and even after reporting him, bragged to her friends that she did it because he wasn't doing what she wanted, went to drakes concerts, and tried texted him all of the time. They were even saying she lied so much about allegations (proven by texts/testimonies etc) that they believed she was creating her own reality around him
  • @Saibellus
    whenever an apology is directed at "anybody", you know the person saying it doesnt mean it. "anybody" leaves room for there to be NOBODY who was hurt. its like "sorry you felt that way"