Your Large Family Questions Answered || Do We Use Birth Control? Will We Have More Children?

Published 2024-01-12
#largefamily #largefamilylife #largefamilymom
I have a long list of large family questions that I'm ready to answer! Here are eight of the questions that I am asked most often as a mother of 10.

0:30- One Income Family?
2:09- How do you make time for yourself?
4:53- Did you always want a large family?
7:44- Did we always plan to homeschool?
10:09- Is the economy affecting your large family?
12:01- What will you do for college and weddings?
16:40- Do we use birth control?
17:18- Do we want to have more children?

All Comments (8)
  • @melissanash6801
    As a Homeschool Mama myself, I agree that it is a conviction and a lifestyle. Your kids are getting a way better education that’s any private school!
  • @deeferry6520
    What a lovely video and such personal questions. I wouldn't dream of asking a personal question. when my son was born (2nd child) there were only 17 months between my daughter and son and I was asked, actually told on occasion that I shouldn't have any more. In fact, my family were upset when I told them I was pregant. Naturally, he won them all over with his blonde curls and big blue eyes but I've never forgotten how upset I was with them all. Unfortunately after Paul was born, I found that I couldn't have any more children but i'd been blessed with 2 so I was content. I too was a stay at home mum. It was lovely to hear about all your familyand I can't wait for the new arrival. Thank you for sharing Ashley xxx
  • @katieswitzer6264
    Oh my goodness you are so brave answering these... I have only 5 kids and I've been asked by strangers in public whether I've been fixed. 😮
  • Great video! I am sorry you were asked such personal questions and I admire you for answering them even though you certainly did not have to. Congratulations on expecting your sweet baby bubbles! One of my babies nickname is Mr. Bubbles. God bless you and your family. I need to look more into the programs you offer, I don’t think I knew you had them before. 💗🤗
  • @neenerj9
    Congrats! Curious, what does your husband do from home? Husband is discerning a new job… How do you get your teens to babysit with joy? Pay them? Privileges? Tech?