Meet The RuneScape Gold Seller Making $1.1 Million a Year

Publicado 2022-01-10
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I spoke with a RuneScape gold website owner to learn not only about how Jagex’s recent crackdown on real-world trade has affected their business, but also to learn about their business as a whole. We discuss everything from legal take-down attempts, to people trying to sell duped gold.

0:00 intro
2:01 his background
4:54 how much do you make?
7:59 who buys gold?
14:07 who supplies gold?
16:19 effects of duel arena removal
19:39 how have the crackdowns affected business?
21:04 paying taxes
22:27 live chat agents
25:26 duped gold
27:26 imposter scammers
29:52 dealing with fraud
33:01 is this a long-term career?
34:09 how large is the rwt market?
37:05 riding the crypto wave
38:03 outro

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @bignog2620
    Between your professionalism, asking of the right questions and his ability to explain all these processes so well... such a well done and interesting interview perhaps even if you don't play the game.
  • @EVScape
    I'd buy myself a Lambo Genie as well
  • @marvmarvel3877
    I don’t even play RS and this interview was incredible. I’ve always been fascinated on how people find ways to make money on any game. The revenue RuneScape gold sellers generates really baffled me while also making me look at this type of business in a different light. Amazing work Crumb! Take my sub!
  • @Bitchgohome
    Super impressed by this entire thing. To start, your professionalism was refreshing & told me right away this would be quality content. You asked all the right questions and articulated the issues here expertly so that people who don’t even play the game understands the situation here. Captivating watch. Thank you!
  • @FunFactOfTheDay
    I have to say, this was probably the most interesting video you've ever put out! Fantastic job with the interview, you asked every single question I had, and unlike most interviewers you actually let him answer in full - great job!
  • @djexwacky1390
    You know when it's a legit conversation with a site owner when you hear the different emotions in his voice with some of the awnsers. Good video crumb 👌
  • @mikebeech942
    When I was kid I started with 1 rune skimmer and 1 iron skimmer put them in a note. And in one week I had 10m. Sold 1m at school for new shoes for skateboarding. I’m 29 now and only remember this game because of getting those shoes.
  • @bakedpotato8756
    I'll be honest. Regardless of how rwt effects the game, I still think this is super cool. To hear a bit of the inner workings of the underbelly of a game that has been a part of literally 2/3rds of my life (turning 30 in a few days and have played since I was 9)
  • @johnthomason3256
    Incredibly interesting interview. It’s incredible the big gold sites all talk and are friendly. I figured there would be fierce competition
  • @andriusb9972
    Your interviewing technique is so good, very easy and informative to follow!
  • @kylewubz8713
    Incredible video man. Great analysis, clear commentary, professional production. All-around killed it. Keep it up
  • @sentinowl9207
    Absolutely love what you do. While I no longer play the game or consider myself part of the community, you and Settled are the only two I still consistently watch. Keep up the good work my guy
  • @echo5394
    Perfect questions, perfect guest. I love hearing about unorthodox income streams.
  • @judostar11
    Great interview! The questions were right on and he was pretty open about his answers too. Hats off to the owner for being smart and investing his money elsewhere as well.
  • @shreycod4
    This is your best video yet by far. Both the questions and the interviewee are just great.
  • @ThijmenCodes
    Crumb, that was a really great video. Terrific questions, and you got someone to answer them very honestly. Thumbs up!
  • @JaeJae95
    OSRS has never been the same for me after I bought my first 500m. Item drops didn't feel rewarding anymore, picking up alchs worth 50k felt kinda pointless. I originally bought it to get raiding gear and it was fun for a while but it ultimately drove me away from playing. I sold it all off after a while and made a hcim, was the one thing that got me back in to the game.
  • @zerkee7599
    Great inverview, Crumb. Glad to see you thriving and putting out quality content. :)