February 2023 Energy Update: Releasing Old Identities

Published 2023-02-01
Hi everyone,

Welcome to February 2023. Good old linear time just keeps on marching us right along and we all hold onto our hats and hold onto the rail as much as we can as these intense and fast-moving times just continue.

The February Energy Update is here, and a few of the themes for February will be:

✨ Resignation From Old Roles - resigning from old roles that we're playing in our life,

✨ The Beginning of New Stories on Earth and for you in your life, and

✨ A Focus on True Health and True Healing.

We'll look more deeply and these themes and several more, so be sure to watch the full Energy Update.

Lots of love, everyone. Take good care.


❤️ Watch the Glimmers & Silhouettes Video:    • Glimmers & Silhouettes - Lee Harris &...  

❤️ Stream Timelines Album: goldenworldmusic.com/collections

❤️ Download The Vital Art of Releasing: www.leeharrisenergy.com/store/e2vrWLgU

❤️ Join Rebirth 2023: www.leeharrisenergy.com/rebirth-2023

❤️ Get a transcript of this #EnergyUpdate: www.leeharrisenergy.com/feb-2023-eu

00:01 - Intro
01:59 - Resignation from old roles, identities and behaviors
05:18 - This is the very beginning of new stories on Earth and in your life
08:07 - Global control energy and density being uprooted due to ongoing disclosure + collective clarity
11:31 - A Focus on True Health (Health is healing)
15:04 - Energy conservation is a superpower (Gratitude and Peace reside there)
17:18 - February energy will support the creation of new actions and directions
18:53 - Making either the big changes or the little changes (inner and outer are always dancing)
21:49 - When in change - remember; The Process will show you the way

All Comments (21)
  • @beatstopper
    Wow, I just informed my supervisors last week that I’m resigning from my job of 13 years with the US Government to pursue my life coaching business. Wonderful confirmation on the timing! ❤
  • Saying goodbye to who I thought I was. All unfolded so smoothly. I knew more than I thought I knew. Puzzle pieces came together with ease.
  • @arielleira735
    Lee....my mind is blown. This is the most accurate update yet. I've never felt so supported and relieved. Thank you so much. Truly, you have been a light in the dark. Love and Blessings to you. ♡🙏🌠
  • The phrase “Releasing my former identity” has been rolling around in my mind for the past couple days so this resonated so strongly, wow! Thanks for all that you do Lee and team, such a wonderful resource!
  • Lee and Guides, thank you for this. I had decided that this year is the year of me. I’m living more in my body, nourishing it and working out, challenging myself with love. Your presentation seals this for me. As I strengthen my body, I release old beliefs and creat a new reality for myself ❤
  • It's so beautiful for me to be free from my old family role with new healthy boundaries. I can know or listen to my dear family members choices or interactions without taking on their emotional dilemmas, their fears, or feel fearful of choices or harmful behaviors. I'm focused on healing my own physical body with daily gratitude journaling, and taking a course in restorative yoga, and writing and painting, and working with Coherence Healing community. I use daily grounding, silence and stillness meditation and creating ceremonies that focus on joy and gratitude including affirmations. Thank you Lee for helping me understand what I want to use my energy toward. Namaste.
  • This was so spot on for me. Especially the part about going along with change and not quite knowing the how’s/when’s/where’s etc.— how to disengage from that, hold your intention, and TRUST! And to take action anyways. Action is magical— making a decision literally focuses your energy and moves timelines along. In my experience, if I was frozen or unable to take action, the universe would literally create problems in my life to solve ASAP just so I would make a decision and get that energy moving. I’m thankful, especially in hindsight 😂 Also, self-judgement. Oooof. It’s a toxic social construct that is debilitating and suffocating. Nobody has time for judgement, they are literally useless— particularly during this period of ascension. Much love to you and yours! ✨🧡✨
  • @RA-777
    I did resign my job unexpectedly after 23yrs on 1/19/23, 1 day I was there and the next day I was done, shocked everyone and even my self. I have complete faith and just following my heart now ❤… letting go of old identity and very ready for the new ❤
  • @yaelblum7835
    Rebirth 2023 was so deeply profound❣️ Thank you SO much ❤
  • @K8_Is_Awake
    I’m not at all who I was a year or two ago. I’d like to take full credit but I was divinely guided and could not have behaved in the old ways even if I tried. When I’ve tried I have physical discomfort, emotional havoc, so I’ve withdrawn and gone in. So many people are confused by it, miss me terribly, but are not loving and patient or supportive…it’s very strange. I’m excited to move beyond my shock, sadness, and acclimation. This is the hardest work I’ve ever done. I’m so tired. Learning so much so fast. ❤grateful for you, expanding consciousness, and the collective coming together 🙏🏻
  • I am waking up. To who I am. It is wonderous to experiencing this inside. In the place I had ignore and denied my Self. And meeting my Self is bringing me sooo much. Much Love and gratitude to Earth and the Universe ❤🎉❤
  • @joycej928
    Lee, your energy and your message is so uplifting! I gravitate to you like a bee to a flower. Thank you for all you do!
  • @carolb7418
    Thank you so much, Lee! Boy that health alarm deeply resonates. I am currently facing some out of the blue auto immune symptoms that I am addressing. I am a channel and I work with clients constantly. It’s really hard for me to slow down and focus on myself, but I’m doing it. alarm received. Thank you for your service to the ascending collective. Blessings.🙏🏻😘
  • @jane1044
    Thanks for this Lee. Lately I've been resting a lot and just wanting solitude. Trying to accept where I'm at and not judge it.
  • @bluesaildoc
    I know this sounds strange, but I am finding that I find peace in doing sudoku puzzles. Because even as they get harder and harder, if I keep trying, I will solve them. There are very few things in my life that respond that way and it is empowering. Numbers are pure. They have no agenda.
  • Thank you so much Lee. I did some spiritual psychotherapy with a supervisor last week and the profound message came through from guides: "It's time for you to let go now, of the world you know. It's time to leave that behind." They were beckoning and encouraging me to come forward into the unknown. I had tears and I don't even know why. However it was profound. I was then led to see a not-too-distant future me, (3-5 years) with creative writers around me (something concerning film and screenplays), doing their work, networking and I was working hard, almost obsessively but so so grounded and happy. The colour orange was very pronounced. I don't know what the colour presence means.
  • This would mark the first time I’ve cried to a Lee Harris video. Even though I know I do it to a degree, I heavily judge myself. This has hindered my progress in so many ways. It’s almost crazy how many ways I creatively judge myself; From the way I walk to the way I look to how I play music etc. I always feel empty whenever I’m complemented and completely ashamed whenever I “mess up.” I’m now ready to face this head on and let it go. The work you do is literally priceless Lee, thank you so much.
  • @fc4660
    Thank you Lee this speaks to my timing too. For the first time I’m having wonderful heart opening dreams that I savour when I awake. And I notice heart resonance much more in the everyday. A few minutes spent watching two birds feed outside and listening to their bird song is so much more uplifting and Heart opening than burying my head in internet scrolling. Or dare I say it, working. We came here to enjoy the moments and as we allow ourselves to experience them and really FEEL into them it seems much easier to experience a higher vibration. Good for ourselves, good for us all, good for the planet.
  • @yaki-moon
    That was great, very uplifting, specially what you say about "let the process guide you" and "judging yourself". Not that I had never heard of that, it was just you saying it... well, can't explain it in a better way, but it got through to me on a deeper level, something like that 🙏 Now will listen to your music 🎶 ❤
  • This is ALL so spot on. I spend yesterday as a day to myself to listen to where I am at, to read what I was drawn to and to take some time to be at peace, and ALL your points were focused on yesterday, just sooo spot on. Health of ALL seems a big one. I am going through focus on my health but also the Health of ALL at large due to a society that has taken focus of gratitude, giving and stepping away from this Money and power 'Success'. I LOVED this talk Lee... Exactly what is coming to me at this time. The judgements we were given as children by parents and from society as we grew... these created negative self talk and we all need to pay attention to that inner critic and grab it, notice it , think were ot came from and CHANGE it to think positively of our selves. If everyone spoke kindly to themselves the world would be a much more peaceful place. Thank you for confirming. The Process will show me the way... I trust this whole heartly. Thank You...