Overwatch 2 Season 10 EVERY HERO CHANGE! (Full Patch Notes)

Published 2024-04-15
wtplay.link/stylosa — Download War Thunder for FREE and get your bonus!

0:00 Overwatch 2 Season 10 Changes
0:07 Venture Playable Immediately In competitive
0:37 Venture Nerfs
1:15 Sponsored
3:37 Wrecking Ball Rework
5:23 Reinhardt Earthshatter Buff
5:36 Sigma Barrier Buff
5:50 Sombra Virus Nerf
5:57 Tracer Nerfs
6:32 Doomfist Buff
6:57 Illari Healing Buff
7:16 Junker Queen Carnage Buff
7:33 Lifeweaver Healing Buffs
7:37 Lucio Damage Buffed and Nerfed
7:50 Moira Biotic Grasp Nerf but Ultimate Buff
8:07 Limited Time Mode Clash Trial
9:19 Clash Win Conditions
9:58 Mythic Hero Skin Updates
10:25 Mythic Prisms
10:59 Challenges
11:27 Endorsement Changes
12:02 Hide My Name
13:32 Progression
13:41 Unranked Leaver Penalties
14:41 Competitive Leaver Penalties
15:26 Role Specific Titles
15:41 Competitive Progress
16:05 Grouping Restrictions
19:04 New Rank Modifiers
19:44 Golden Weapons

Overwatch 2 Season 10 Patch Notes us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-2-…

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All Comments (21)
  • @antokiofficial
    Literally giving Lifeweaver buffs in the areas he didn't need.
  • @oldtoadman6048
    Banning players who aren't doing anything but dying because of the crappy matchmaking is just stupid.
  • @Yasviele
  • @Relevart9169
    Every highlight intro released in ow2 has been the character standing still and looking at the camera. Top tier quality jesus christ
  • @ghxulish
    Lucio nerf was fucking stupid, his shots are already hard to hit so nerfing the damage was just dumb
  • @marveler8994
    I get it's not okay to just leave games everytime but it's like they're trying to make quickplay less fun and just diet comp
  • When tank stop being pain to play, that will be when ow be a massive update.
  • @AlexFrank02
    I’m so annoyed with the legacy comp points I’m just sitting on 1400 of em and you’re saying I gotta wait a whole year to use them thats so dumb!
  • Bury the game even deeper, Blizzard. Worst sequel ever made to a AAA game.
  • @cadinherdogz
    They do not need to add suspension to QP. It's so dumb.
  • @jacobj3491
    Reworking wrecking ball without addressing body blocking is criminal
  • @Yasviele
    OOOH!!! Widowmaker is in the tier 80 because instead of putting Mercy's mythic, they give you 80 points of the store currency so you can pick any mythic skin including the new one, well of course they wouldn't give you 80 coins AND a new mythic. So Reinhart, Ana and Tracer's skins are most likely tied to the 40 $ bundle
  • @pandasteakDSC
    I love how the answer to poor matchmaking is ban players for leaving the many poorly made matches in a session, lol
  • @Xo1ot1
    These rank modifiers are pure cynicism. Nobody in the world can control if they win or lose in this game reliably, unless they outclass their current rank by a gigantic margin.
  • @evanthompson445
    Ok so explain to what the hell I'm supposed to do with the 2400 competitive legacy credits if I can't use a combination??? Like why tf
  • @uSil031
    Illari firerate nerf is so uncalled for, she has performed poorly even with the better fire rate. Liveweaver buff is insane, what are they smoking. Tree is already overtuned, and they made it even stronger?!
  • @LeatherNinja
    Didn't buff Doom slam, didn't nerf his punch, didn't remove his bugs, and nerfed Lucio? Looks like I'm skipping this season.
  • @AlexFrank02
    LW buffs are so weird as a LW player he absolutely does NOT need healing buffs! Nerf his heals and give thorn volley a buff it would raise the skill ceiling and make him much more enjoyable, thorn volley feels so satisfying to use but only tickles enemies