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Solid Christian Teachings

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Solid Christian Teachingsの説明

Jesus saved my life, so He gets to have it! Holiness=true freedom of the soul. Free from slavery to sin. Sin=death.

I dedicate my life to following God (YHWH). I read the Bible, ask Him many questions, and He answers them! He has given so many miracles, taught such wisdom, I wish to share it with the world!

There is a shortage of “solid christian teachings” currently. We are in a famine for the TRUE word of God (just like the Bible predicted) because 90% of teachers are false teachers.

Break out of the cycle! YHWH broke me out! He showed me how many teachers were false. Much of what I was taught in church was twisted! Now YHWH + Bible is my ONLY teacher! :)

I wish to share these “solid teachings” with everyone!!!

I beg you from the bottom of my heart, to follow them. Once YHWH confirms them to you, of course. These teachings will hopefully lead people into TRUE holiness, and therefore eternal life. The path is NARROW, I truly tell you. More narrow than most people realize.

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