Tyrion Lannister on the Iron Bank of Braavos

A small section with big consequences for debt slaves.

Note: I don't own this film, nor claim any part of it as my own.

コメント (21)
  • Tyrion kinda forgot that Bronn knows nothing about loans when he made Bronn Master of Coin
  • Our new Master of Coin everyone. Someone who's never borrowed money before and who isn't clear on the rules.
  • In the show, Littlefinger borrowed heavily from the Iron bank in order to get funds. In the books, he ran a massive medieval ponzi scheme instead.
  • I like it how Tyrion says "Forgive a debt? My father?" with such mirth as how merely considering the idea is amusing.
  • Good thing he is not the master of coin. Am I right? Hahahahhaha. Imagine Bronn as the master of coin.
  • @sugartoothYT
    Ah yes, the Iron Bank. Another great big influencer of the world worthy and plot relevant enough to be a part of the finale, but firmly pushed to the side. If the series was more multi-arc-oriented the Bank would've absolutely gotten one.
  • @Senki207
    I love these little details in the early seasons... Bronn is obviously bored out of his mind, but notice how he's always picking up and looking at stuff when he's with Tyrion. Obviously, he's doing this to annoy Tyrion, but it also shows that he's curious. His experience isn't only due to how much he's travelled or how many people he's killed but also to his curiosity and how he pays attention. And this doesn't have any major bearing on the plot in either books or show, he's just a curious man looking out for himself and trying to climb the social ladder. He's not afraid to get his hands dirty but he also "likes to keep his hands clean" → hence his ambition to own a castle and enjoy the fruits of his work.
  • I never realized how smart of a move this was by little finger. A little bit of debt by the iron bank is gonna be difficult to pay back. But for how long he's been master of coin, the crown may be looking at paying the iron bank ten times what kings landing is worth
  • "A Lannister always pay their debts" More like "Dynasties blossom and decay, Empires rise and fall, Dragons burn the land and be slain and the bank will always win."
  • @dagdamor1
    D&D: LeTs mAKe BrONn tHe MaSTer oF CoiN
  • @SpottedHares
    For reference in the books in calculated that the crown would need to be spending over 33,000 gold every month to reach the debt. The tourney for Hand of the king was around 100,000 gold and was the biggest event since Harrne Hall( an event so massive it pit the Lannister to shame). None of this factors in how much money the cows had before or taxes coming in, the debt is so massive it suspicious on how that much money could even be spent. Spending that much money is just not realistic, hence the idea that Little Finger was borrowing money and embezzling what money the crown did have at the same time. Getting the crown into debt while also securing money should help ever have need of it.
  • Iron Bank: "Ok, time to repay your loans." Bronn: "But what if I don't?" Iron Bank: "..." Yeah the 7 kingdoms are screwed.
  • Just the way how Tyrions speaks here as opposed to season 5 and onward speaks values to the huge differences in writing. I miss the days when Game of Thrones was awesome.
  • Having a master of coin that doesn’t borrow money is genius
  • I did have a debt to my bank once, I would like to thank this scene for helping me get off my arse to pay it
  • @Hot18Shot
    Apparently not. And Bronn... Master of Coin despite not knowing about the Iron Bank of Braavos or how borrowing works. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.