How To Reprogram Toxic Thoughts Into Genius Ideas

Published 2023-11-03
This simple trick transforms your brain into a supercomputer.
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Rían Doris is the Co-Founder & CEO of Flow Research Collective, the world’s leading peak performance research and training institute focused on decoding the neuroscience of flow states and helping leaders and their teams unlock flow states consistently. Clients include Accenture, Audi, Facebook, Bain & the US Airforce.

Along with being listed on Forbes 30 Under 30 Rian's thought leadership has been featured in Fast Company, PBS and Big Think and he hosts Flow Research Collective Radio, an iTunes top 10 science podcast.

Rían is also the Executive Chairman & Owner of On the side, Rian does some angel investing in health and performance companies like Levels Health, Neurohacker Collective, The Way & Myodetox.

Rían holds a degree in Philosophy, Politics & Economics (PPE) from Trinity College Dublin, an MSc in Neuroscience at King's College, London and an MBA. Rian is currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Birmingham—focusing on how flow states affect perceived meaning in life.

Prior to co-founding Flow Research Collective with Steven Kotler, Rian worked with NYT Bestselling Author Keith Ferazzi, and 12X NYT Bestselling Author Dr. Dan Siegel, distinguished fellow of the American Psychiatric Association.

All Comments (21)
  • @riandoris
    Get the FREE One-Month Day checklist here: Rían here. Thanks for watching. Ever feel like your mind is wandering... but to nowhere useful? That's your default mode network (DMN). Most people squander its power. With the science-backed techniques in this PDF, you can upgrade and harness your DMN to complete a month’s worth of work in less than a day.
  • @cynthia_g_
    The full quote from William Shakespeare actually reads: “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but often times better than a master of one.” Many people have been dropping the second half.
  • @loonyonair
    Man, it's the first time someone actually scientifically explained the point of a routine. Thanks, i'll give it a shot 👍
  • @Hash-zp5gd
    Summary: Upgrading your rumination into three phases: 1. Reclaim your rumination: Focus on one thing or minimise things that have no purpose in your life 2. Reboot your rumination: By journaling, which allows you to keep things in perspective. You can add solitude to the equation if you want to cleanse your mental state and deplete decision fatigue 3. Maintaining your rumination: Reframing task by first principle thinking in order to reduce workload and improve efficiency and storing that method in your head for decision recycling.
  • @md82892
    Here is a summary of the key points from the video: - Most people's default mode network (DMN) is cluttered with unproductive rumination and trivial concerns. This wastes a huge amount of mental energy, as the DMN is active 64% of waking hours. - To upgrade rumination, first eliminate dispersion - pursuing too many unrelated goals/projects. Focus on just one professional pursuit at a time. - Next, reboot rumination by writing down all your worries, open loops, regrets to clear mental space. Solitude helps surface issues to address. - Maintain upgraded rumination by recycling decisions - decide once on recurring scenarios and reuse the decision. Put routine micro-decisions on autopilot. - With upgraded rumination, your DMN becomes a 24/7 problem-solving engine focused on your goals. This unlocks continuous flow, creativity, and accelerated progress. In summary, upgrading rumination optimizes the brain's default mode to unlock productivity, insight and progress around the clock. This requires strategic focus, clearing mental clutter, and streamlining decisions.
  • @salwafaris6510
    NOtE: his videos is loaded with information and Selousion, there is no way you can summarize his videos. I believe because he is already summarized many books and research’s to cover every topic he lays . Don’t try to save time by not listening to all of his videos. He is amazing. Man I am grateful that I found your channel.
  • @sunset33533
    The most productive I've ever been has been when letting go...slowing down and letting go of goals and expectations and just focusing intently on the next step. There's a strange things about it. Mindfulness helped with this. Books like "30 Days to Reduce Stress" by Harper Daniels were beneficial. Stoping overthinking is such a benefit.
  • @lvluplyssa
    Video Summary 0:00: 💡 The brain's default mode network is often unproductive, but by focusing on important questions and goals, we can make our cognitive landscape more productive. 3:37: 💡 Upgrading your rumination can transform mind wandering into problem solving and improve productivity. 7:21: 💡 Dispersion is the enemy of productivity and rumination; focus on one thing to maximize progress. 11:19: 📝 To upgrade your rumination, you need to clear out accumulated junk by externalizing it and creating mental space. 16:17: 📝 The video discusses how to upgrade rumination and maintain it over time by minimizing decision-making and putting routine decisions on autopilot. 18:55: 📝 Setting up explicit routines and automating micro decisions can free up cognitive energy and enhance creativity. 22:58: ! Upgrading rumination can improve focus, productivity, and creativity. Recapped using Ta
  • @iunderstand118
    This immediately reminds me of a real-life example. My dad, who is 58, has mastered efficiency and exemplified effortlessness. For 2 years day now, 24/7 excluding sleep hours and evening time, his 'boring' pursuit has already started to gain traction, and his intense concentration is astounding! He is correct in asserting that ceasing to move forward with that challenging/uneasy topic is just no good, either in the short or the long term. Walk and think/talk ; do anything you like. To be honest, that can happen so naturally that you may not even notice! Then, make it a journey. Make it part of your routine with all the discipline you can muster. Fair enough.
  • @neomawzz
    Decision fatigue is also incredibly important for neurodivergent people! I have ADHD and I struggle with making even small decisions (like to shower or to eat) because of it, so delegating those decisions to myself the previous day really helps (having a rough routine of what I’ll do in the day.). Otherwise I take too much of my energy (or spoons) in the morning just thinking about the tasks I need to do in the day and when and how I’ll do them. This is especially important since with ADHD thinking about the task is essentially the same as doing the task for your brain. I find a lot of generic productivity advice on YouTube tends to be accidentally harmful to neurodiverse individuals, since it assumes everyone’s neurology operates in the same manner, but I’ve found this channel to be a welcome exception so far. Thank you!
  • @sonicmaths8285
    I think I have never seen Rians left hand. By the way, awesome videos. I have integrated several concepts into my life like the 6 alarms and how to enter flow state and those techniques helped tremendously. I cannot believe how effective these are. Thank you!
  • @laurenneko4918
    As someone with ADHD (recently diagnosed), I have really had to optimise the TPN through project management tools, using habit tracking software. This way, the essentials actually get done, so you’re not left ruminating about if you should take the rubbish out now, three days, never etc. This type of automation/cues really helps clear anxiety/decision fatigue, or else deep work is literally impossible. I really love this content and it’s given me much to ponder and optimise so I can use my unconscious thinking time more effectively … because ADHD really makes it a hamster wheel
  • @Vishal.27
    Mr. Ryan Doris I have been seeing all your videos since 6 months and your content is very informative and useful. Thank you 😊
  • @band1t9999
    You are one of the most underrated self-improvement channel out there man, i def see this channel hitting one million subscriber soon
  • @shobinyad6643
    I swear I have heard/listened to many podcasts or videos. Out of all those hours spent I feel I was guided to this nectar of wisdom. Absolutely 💯 % resonates with what I wanna achieve with my career but I couldn't or wasn't able to overcome many internal roadblocks. This is epic!!!!
  • @dulappen494
    This is a concept that I've been thinking about and writing about a lot recently. You've articulated it expertly. It is such a powerful concept to be aware of and use as a tool in your daily life, even if your goals aren't focused around building a big business.
  • @joe_zupko
    It's funny because I was just thinking about how to leverage your passive thoughts toward your goals. Happy to see there is some science to back this up.
  • Wow! This has been an eye opener. Also so much information in such a brief period of time. I’m going to need to re-watch and implement step by step.
  • @Tuturu8
    In one week 112h : focus productivity 40h on task vs diffuse productivity 72h(rumination=thoughts) So we need to upgrade our rumination, so our thoughts will be clear and creative and constructive ; (make us use way more our brain to accelerate our progress, changing our cognitive landscape into a problem-solving supercomputer who works tirelessly on specific pre-programmed goals) 1. have a clear goal to target 2. eliminate dispersion 3. externalize the clutter(writting) 4. reduce social stimuli(comparing on social media) 5. reduce decision: recycling decisions and autopilot habits
  • @crashtheimf
    Some of the best engineers of our time have said that we don't think long enough and stead fast about a problem uninterrupted and you have nailed it about the singularity of purpose and directed questioning which doesn't allow for extraneous thought to grow like weeds. It the focus as each one of us has an inherit depth of penetration for every thought we have and by asking questions continually related to the quest do we get the compounding effect but even more so by emotion behind them so the trick is to use worry not run from it but rarely can one worry about success. Somehow we have to find a trigger for emotions to act as fire for the path.