Toxic Somalia : l'autre piraterie

Published 2024-05-31
Somalia has been used as the West's dumping ground for toxic waste. Hundreds of Somalis in the Puntland region are already believed to have died. Two Italian journalists had investigated this trafficking, but were murdered in 1994. In 2009, an Italian mafioso confided to the courts that he held the keys to the trafficking. What we might discover will shed harsh light on the West's role in creating the Somali hell.

Directed by Paul Moreira

All Comments (21)
  • @davonbooker2752
    "Aren't you afraid of dying?"I believe there are worse things than death like living in misery!
  • @Burtejunior
    What an incredible investigative documentary. This is a proper journalism.
  • Incroyable ce documentaire. Je crois que c’est le meilleur que j’ai pu voir en l’état
  • Around 1977, the same proposal of toxic deposit was made to the former president of Comoros Mr. Ali Soilihi , but he refused for a simple reasons, why white people want to deposit unlock containers in our land and pay us money ? If it is something important for us, they should just give us for free and leave. That's why he refused. Through this documentary I am starting to understand a little bit a part of Somalia conflicts, how can a human do such things ? How can they drop toxic containers in Somalia, Mozambique, Haitia and other countries which we're still ignoring. It is just an animosity
  • This should have 500million views....Wow...kudos to the entire documentary team.
  • @Muslixtrades
    Thanks for investigating this disaster and showing to the world
  • @ayubmoalim
    . Kudos to the Investigation Channel for bringing this hidden crisis to light. This documentary is crucial in understanding the true plight of Somali coastal communities and the need for global awareness and action against illegal toxic waste dumping. This is an eye-opener. It sheds light on the harsh realities of poisonous waste dumping along the Somali coast, which has been largely ignored by the international community.
  • Completement dingue....tout ce qui nous échappe,c'est l'horreur.Comment des humains sont capables de ça ?
  • OMG – wow when you watch this you realise the abusive "Europeans" have no shame!! This is so unbelievably damning!! It is utterly despicable.
  • @lazinz
    Dinguerie ce reportage, ça montre tellement la mentalité des riches et puissant hommes de notre monde. Quelle année le reportage ?
  • @Aboorey
    Ilara Rip she was not only reporter She was great human activist. I heard she was killed in conspiracy because the actors behind this toxic damps didn't like the way she was working. Then they contacted one of the worldloards at that time and was given some fucking Cash to shut her up then she was assassinated. And innocent man was picked up from Mogadishu to Rome to pay the debt of her death almost have of his most precious youthful time 17 years and finally released after proven No guilt after so many years of trials. He died recently. This is pull shit really 😢😢😢😢
  • La corte penal internacional deberá juzgar , estos asuntos , que debemos considerar como de Leza humanidad.
  • Mais quel honte de la part des industriels 🥺 nos pensées sont tourner vers les enfant de la Somalie
  • @paaasmaig9567
    en 1999,des poulets à la dioxine étaient envoyés au Sénégal(mais est ce qu'il y a eu d'autres pays?) vendus moins cher que les poulets locaux,les sénégalais étaient au courant,on se sert de l'Afrique pour tout sauf pour les africains,votre important reportage,M.Moreira (et toute son équipe) confirment,preuves à l'appui ce que tous les africains savent depuis hélas bien longtemps.Merci à vous.
  • @gstrathmore194
    In the U.S. the Italian mafia had the reputation for cornering the market on waste disposal, especially in big East Coast cities, and then running the industry in unethical ways including illegal dumping. Sad to see that tradition is still alive and well.
  • @3milesong
    These illegal toxic waste dumping has now been exposed ... what now?
  • The hospital segment is absolutely heartbreaking. I can see why toxic waste dumpers target 4th world lawless places for their evil crimes.
  • @7vince6786
    These are not pirates but protector of their own environment.