Improve Your Voice - Daily Articulation Exercises

To help you achieve the best results, I've used the very best exercises from my 28-years of experience to bring you this... 8 WEEK ONLINE VOICE COURSE:

I'm offering the first week of my online course free to anyone who signs up for the newsletter on my website. Visit:

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Print outs -

00:00 - INTRO
00:45 - YAWNING
01:40 - LIP TRILLS
05:08 - BAH DA GAH
07:00 - MAH NA LAH

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When you work on yourself daily, the muscles involved with your voice can start to learn to remember how to create words and sounds better. These exercises can help you to become a better speaker. AKA Improve Your Voice is a is run by Voice Coach Darren McStay and designed to help you utilise your voice to maximum effect.

He can help you...
Gain confidence in presenting yourself with spoken English.
Become a more authoritative, engaging and resonant voice.
Work on and develop your speech, sales pitch or presentation.
Learn physical and practical training techniques for daily practice.
See an immediate and positive change over the quality of your communication.
Focus on pitch, tone, projection, articulation, accent and intention.
Relax and find comfort in your physicality, body language, speech delivery and conversational grammar. ​

コメント (21)
  • 8-WEEK IMPROVE YOUR VOICE COURSE 1. Creates gradual but substantial results - Remember there are no quick fixes! 2. Gain instant access - No more excuses, if you want change you need to start today! 3. Daily exercises and routines that build and grow as you do. Join hundreds of other students who are on or whom have benefited from this unique and in depth training.
  • I am an opera singer and I already use all of the warming exercises you mentioned except the spelling ones and I confirm that it works indeed !
  • @fifty5712
    00:00 - INTRO 1. 00:45 Yawning 2. 01:40 Lip Trills (do it for longer and longer on one breath). Put fingers on cheeks to relax 3. 04:05 Tongue Trills 4. Tongue Twisters: GO TO 5:08 and read off screen | B*h D*h G*h | P*ah D*h G*h (A/O) etc. ( Make as clear as possible. Do as many rounds as you can in one breath. Focus on pronunciation not how to breathe in this exercise) 5. Tongue Twisters: GO TO 7:01 and read off screen.
  • @SisHattie
    I noticed after four days, for me, Immediately after my exercises I articulate well. As the day goes on my muscles revert back to their weakness. I’m excited to see what will happen after 2 or 3 weeks of consistent exercises. It’s nice to just have good articulations without having to force yourself or think before you speak. Thank you.
  • I tried these and a spirit appeared. He was confused as hell when he saw what I was doing.
  • Gonna try these thanks so much. I’m always jumbling up words, it’s like my brain thinks faster and my speech can’t keep up! 😂
  • @SisHattie
    These are really good and effective. My diction was terrible and I noticed a distinct difference after the first 4 or 5 days of daily practice. I am now committing it to a lifestyle practice. Thank you for this!
  • This is amazing.. I'll definitely be doing these every day.. 1. Regular Yawn exercises 2. Do lip thrills ... 3. Tongue trills... 4. Practice tongue twisters (focus on clarity before speed) .. etc
  • @wm5297
    Anyone else automatically yawn after he did?
  • No pain - no gain! Fantastic exercises, thanks bud. Beginning as of now.
  • Amazing exercises - I will be making these part of my daily routine. Thank you so much for your time and very generous wisdom.
  • Thanks for all your videos! I have issues with speaking too fast and tripping over words, on top of having a jaw surgery last year that changed how some of my speech feels/sounds so I’ve been using our videos to try and improve all around . 👏🏻
  • @bemacbe
    Thank you so much for these exercises. Just found them and the drills are such a challenge. I completely lost of ability to articulate, pronounce and speak my words. All due to a head injury I sustained due to a mountain bike accident I had in High School. My life really sucked for the past twenty+ years. But then, these past couple of months have been awesome!
  • @Petervl45
    this is what I need, I will do it, thanks for sharing.