Hurricane Laura Archive Footage from Southwest Louisiana

Published 2020-08-29
Hurricane Laura Archive

Archive Footage from Southwest Louisana on
August 26 and August 26 and 27, 2020

00:02 From around the Holly Beach, LA area, 11 shots - Preparations, pre-storm, hurricane surf and surge starting.

02:23 - Footage from Lake Charles, LA the includes 61 shots of the storm hitting around downtown Lake Charles from a parking garage and includes video in the eye wall of the storm.

24:48 - Aftermath, damage, remaining surge, I-10 and chemical fire.

Catalog ID: Hurricane_Laura_CDC_2020
Total Run Time: 30:15:20

All Comments (21)
  • To the hurricane Laura survivors, I am so glad you are still here. I know right now it feels hopeless and overwhelming to see your homes, your town and surrounding areas destroyed; like nothing could ever go back to normal. Life in your area will not be the same again, but you are strong and can rebuild. The changes in your surroundings may feel foreign at first, but eventually they will start to feel more familiar.. My advice is to take one day at a time while rebuilding. One foot in front of the other, just remember to hold each other up, to show each other kindness and love during these times of trouble. You will get through this. You survived. You are already stronger than you know. Hang in there. I will keep you all in my prayers. As a hurricane Michael survivor seeing what happened to you guys breaks my heart. You are not alone in this, I promise.❤️
  • A family friend lost her home and her job because of this hurricane she's devastated but she has her daughter's over in Texas to help through this. Thank the Lord for that! Last hurricane I was in was Alicia in 1983 never want to go through that again!!
  • Even though it was 15 years ago, still have a lil ptsd from Charley and this reminded me of riding that out, only it was 1-4 in the afternoon, not 1-4 in the middle of the night. I really feel for the ppl who went through this and as someone who lost everything, know what lies ahead and it's going to be rough, but keep your head up, survivng it is doable
  • Holly Beach reminds me of the down east community where my father is from.. I feel so much for the small towns in LA that have been so devastated by this heart goes out to the locals for sure.
  • @tonyalandon3275
    I stayed through this. I could hear metal and debris ripping and flying. Early into this, a wire came down in the rain and was hitting a metal dumpster in the rain and sparks and fire was flying. I am in Sulphur. About 7 miles west of lake Charles.
  • We've been without electricity since Thursday morning at 3:30. Lost a freezer and 2 fridges full of food. Electricity isn't suppose to come back on until Wednesday. I'm thankful we didn't get hit like Lake Charles. God bless that little area.
  • @stonyrock56
    Wow! The footage from the parking structure was amazing! That sideways rain almost looked like a tornado lying on its side and twisting on the ground.
  • The calm of the eye and the continuing storm. Today is August 30th and we are still getting the rain from the bands here in Memphis, Tennessee.
  • Beautiful out there. Love water. Done with the Vegas . 30 years now, time to go soon. Thank you for the footage.
  • @purenatural5736
    I really want to write something for you people, who experienced this disaster. But I got no words, I’m speechless. I hope you are doing well and rebuild again, return to your normal life. Love and prayers from Greece.
  • @lairdriver
    When all else fails, take shelter in a parking garage. They are the hardiest public available structures.
  • From Texas, very professional video, we have friends from your state, stay strong
  • @OutOnTheTiles
    Incredible footage. Stay safe,friend. ✌️🇨🇦
  • Awesome footage!! I'm very surprised the power stayed on at that hospital. Back up generator's maybe? 🤔
  • That was a nasty beast of a storm! Great coverage. Hope all is safe with you.
  • finally i was waiting for the full footage to be realased yessss
  • I live in Louisiana been through lots of hurricanes this was the worst for me I work in Lake Charles it looks like a war zone so much destruction to homes and businesses.