The Crypto Scamming Pastor

Published 2024-02-19

All Comments (21)
  • @SketchySquirrel
    He was told that he should 'pray for people' but he heard he should 'prey on people'
  • @pawsonalpetcare
    Funny how he missed the court hearing. Misshearing is what got him into the whole mess in the first place.
  • @samb.8134
    "I misheard God" is the new "The Devil made me do it".
  • @drunkhyena
    As it says in the bible, "It's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God (but I'll make an exception for Eli and his INDXcoin)"
  • @jitenyasu
    Bro straight up confusing his gambling impulses for divine intervention
  • @mekenna6214
    as someone who grew up in the Mormon church i can assure you that “Prophet” and “Profit” get mixed up ALL the time
  • @rockygroves4154
    Him blaming God is giving "the woman YOU give me forced me to eat the apple" energy
  • @idriscross5658
    As a Christian, saying God told me im allowed to do things is my favorite joke. “God says im allowed to lie” “God says im allowed to commit tax evasion”
  • @rylierourke4031
    im gonna start using this as an excuse for every mistake i make. " I just misheard god :("
  • @kingsleycy3450
    I can’t believe a pastor would exploit their congregation financially
  • @rivermichael4357
    "So it's like a Ponzi Scheme..." congrats, Danny! You have just accurately described the entirety of crypto and NFTs!!
  • @enigmadrath1780
    I will never forget the time I was staying with my aunt and she took me with her to her church and pastor was up there, in a tailored suit and designer sunglasses which he never took off, telling the congregation that they were being selfish because the church hadn't received as many gifts that month as they had the month before. Man was up there sounding like Dudley Dursley, and yet my aunt then took me into town to buy pastor an expensive handkerchief. This shit is rampant in black churches 😵‍💫
  • @butterfly_walk
    As a christian, I hate it when I mishear God and accidentally orchestrate a cryptocurrency scam 😔 Edit: To the few people making fun of christianity and insulting people for being christian in my replies, let’s please respect each other’s beliefs. Nobody deserves to be disrespected and told their religion is a “fairy tale”, let’s love one another and not break each other down. It’s not many people but I figured it warranted being called out.
  • @sallyparker11
    God very clearly in the Bible gives a commandment to not steal “I think God is telling me to steal…”
  • @Belelelekake
    “We were sowing all this money” is such a gross statement. What a scumbag
  • @mythman3008
    “To sow your seed” is evangelist talk for pay per blessing or give your money plant it so it can grow into a bigger amount. You hear it all the time with these mega church pastors. It really is sickening
  • @heavenwaits
    “is he running from some previous con?” YES!!! DANNY PLEASE LOOK INTO IT, he fully admits in interviews he used to be a really high level car thief and forger and went to prison for it!
  • @DanielEarl
    Love how the pastor frames it as if he had NO AGENCY. It just happened.
  • @jasonpark5906
    Been a Christian for over 30 years and I’ve learned that when anyone says God is telling them something that the person is either lying or experiencing some sort of psychosis
  • @user-qg8lo9wl5u
    My pastor has a policy where no congregant’s money ever enters his hands. He doesn’t accept tithing checks. He doesn’t see the records, just gets an overall summary from the treasurers. More pastors need to do that.