NDE - My Breakthrough Lucid "Dream Vision"

Published 2013-12-30
Thank you for taking the time to watch the entire video. If you learned something of value from it, please share it with as many people as possible. Chapter listing below.


Most important wisdom gained: Know thyself, live your dreams, love and care for others, develop relationships rooted in shared Consciousness with Infinite Intelligence, and understand and prepare yourself to embrace the Light.

[Best if listened to with volume way up.]

All Comments (16)
  • @redsnowflower
    Thank you. You got my mind moving. I, too, should follow my dreams, like they say. It is just so hard to find a balance between following dreams and surviving in the world. Even if the brain houses the soul, the body is very important to how you live in the world. It effects the happiness of the soul, so it is a temple too.
  • @Ray3645
    Wow, your ability to articulate an experience that is so inexplicable is impressive. I could have never been able explain it like you just did. Thank you!
  • @missartist123
    What an amazing experience!  Don't apologize for the length of the video.  I really enjoyed hearing about it and what you've learned.  I've had many supernatural moments both dream state and real life(positive and negative).  It's really awesome to hear what other people have gone through.  
  • @a.wilkins1708
    Very wise on many levels. I think you are totally spot ion with most things, only the part about the animals isn't right. They have an external soul too.
  • I really appreciate you sharing this! I have had a "dream vision" like yours and it was the most supernatural thing I have ever experienced. I obviously won't write all about it but I, like you, woke up totally freaked out and shot up off my pillow and was like "what - just - happened?!" I experienced only one Light that wasn't hard for me to figure out. I knew what the presence was and this light had SUCH a powerful and strong presence but at the same time was a calm presence. I could feel it better than I could see it and I could see it very clearly! The two things I felt from this Light was total peace and holiness. I've always heard of "holiness" growing up as a Christian, but never fully understood it until I felt it in that Light. Thank you for sharing! It's helped me gain even more understanding and confirmation of my "dream vision" a couple of years ago. I feel like I have figured most of it out but still am searching. Be blessed :)
  • @truthmefree
    Good stuff man. You definitely tapped into the spirit realm I'd say. I think its very interesting that you felt the soul is behind the eyes where you said it was after having an experience like that. That matches with the idea of "Chakras" I'm sure you know a bit about those yes?   I didn't realize you had so many videos. I'll have to check them out as I can. Thanks for the link and God bless you bro! 
  • @el34glo59
    I've read some of your other comments. That's why I said we have similar views.
  • @Drakeybaby
    I believe you had a vision of the rapture. Many in the body of Christ are having visions and words of Christ's soon return as of late. I myself feel in my spirit that we will all be raptured soon. Just a day ago Ive had a dream of the rapture. In my dream I was traveling in a car with my family, then I had this overwhelming feeling that Jesus was coming to take us home. I started warning my family "Jesus is coming!" "He's coming!" "He's coming!" "He's coming!" As I was yelling to them I felt my body becoming lighter and energy filling my whole being. Electric like energy started to emanate from my body as body temperature began to rise as if im going to burst into flames, then I woke up. I believe we will all change into orbs of light energy during the rapture of Christ's bride and be caught up in the air to meet the Lord. Here's a fellow sister in Christ having a somewhat similar dream to yours. Rapture Dream - Blue Orbs of Light! :D http://youtu.be/djHf0tyi4Iw I implore you to check out the rest of her vids as well.
  • @gjul221
    Geddy, this is a really cool experience and I thank you for sharing! :)  You have always seemed, to me, to be so cerebral/highly developed in the mental realm (not a bad thing at all, as it is certainly necessary and helpful as a human being) and perhaps this was your own soul calling to you to expand into the higher (spiritual) realm, that may in fact, be more important to develop (in terms of our destiny) than the mental realm... just a thought... also, i TOTALLY relate to your frustration, feeling like God has given you so many talents, etc. to share but they are not really being received, and so what do you do about that?, etc....to be determined, I suppose.. Lastly, I respect your opinion about animals, but do not agree with it. I totally believe we are equals :)  Last week I watched a great documentary called "Speciesism" (very low budget production, but great info and message). If you feel inclined to check it out, it may open up another perspective for you to consider (especially in terms of empathy for all beings) since you mentioned you didn't really have a basis for it.  (I believe that is what you said)  Anyway, here is the info: http://speciesismthemovie.com/ Happy New Year!! :)
  • @It.is.kayladiaz
    I came over to watch your video! I really think this is a profound experience that happened to you.  You really touch base on some great things that are important in life.  I think that as you spoke of how God doesn't intervene in life that sometimes that is hard to understand.  I believe that God gave man free agency to make his choices in this life whether good or bad.  And that bad things do happen to good people and it sucks!   I also think God has a plan for us all, that we have to go through some of the experiences in this life because that is part of our journey.  I look at how God sent his son Jesus Christ to earth and  look what Jesus suffered among the good he did, but also Jesus Christ was crucified and God did not intervene with that because that was part of his Big plan that Christ died for us all he paid the price for the people, the sins, I believe that Christ suffered and felt the pain that each of us would go through and feel individually in this life.  He had to go through death also because we all are going to have to go through death one day but ultimately he had to die so one day when we die we can return home to our maker.  It sounds like a very real experience you went through and that very well if you entered the lights you may have died.  But God permitted you this experience for a reason and very well may be so you can help others understand and come unto Christ and to help people like me who have a slight fear or anxiety about death...I know crazy huh....My Grandpa had a near death experience at 82 years old when he suffered a massive heart-attack and doctors were astonished at how he even came back because he was clinically dead.  He spoke of what happened to him but he also knew that what is on the other side is so much better than here in the physical realm and weird enough he died 5 months later to the day he died the first time.  By the way I added you but it still says I cannot message you because you have to add me or you have something blocked.  Sorry this is so long just some of my thoughts!
  • @el34glo59
    Amazing how similar are beliefs are. Weird even. Found you by accident. Look into quantum physics if you haven't yet, deeply into them, and DNA. I feel it will help solidify this journey of beliefs and experiences you are on. We, the universe, space, matter, animals, plant life, etc, are all connected. We are not a mistake. We were not by accident or chance. We'd know even more about this if it wasn't suppressed so much in the scientific community. It's a shame. Because I'm very fact oriented and was skeptical. I read all sides. And observe all sides. And am open minded. This belief in science that we already know everything about most things, it's this way or the highway whether Darwinism, Newtonism, etc. And I'm not saying I don't believe in evolution. I'm actually very into science, very. Parts of it are archaic. Much more complicated and I believe it will eventually come out. We are we're not a random mistake and we are not separated from the fabric of space as scientific laws state. It's not about religion. Its about empathy, love, connection and our job here to progress and move on. So much we don't understand. DNA, NDES, and Quantum Physics are a good place to start and go deep into if someone is looking for facts to support this. If you already believe or feel you know then that's OK. But for others look to those three things. Deeply. Take care. Great video.
  • @elufodecoder
    Wow, Great video, Thanks Mr.Deppness for posting it. I have asked the same question that you have been asking, and the more I tried to find the truth the more and more question arises. I do have a question on your dream when you were floating like a consciousness being, did you look like an energy ORB?  In this video they show what I'm taking about.  http://youtu.be/cfzWbYZuY7w What you had experience It's amazing, I know we are spiritual beings having a human experience. I wonder If you had some type of remote viewing which is a psychic phenomena when you can transport part of your consciousness through the cosmos to a different realm or dimension, I know in that state of being you are in the knowing and once you get closed to something through Light, vibrations, frequencies and Harmonics that the entity produce is some type or a way of communication or knowing. If was not a remote viewing then maybe was some type of spontaneous out of body, but I had spontaneous OOB when I was a child, but in my experience I was always in my human form. I know there are people out there claiming that after they master OOB they can protect there astral body with an Gold aura and that they can change form from a human to there natural state of being or consciousness being and once they do that they can start remembering Who they really are, They also claimed they look like a ball of energy, but Not exactly like an energy ORB.  I do have another question? When you were in that state floating consciousnesses, You were seeing like a human being see. I wonder also, If You were able to see 360 degree all the way around? Because I know, if your seeing through the 3rd eye while OOB with some training you should be able. I have seeing 360 degree myself in the past when I was practicing OOB, but I had to stop... You made the right decision about the lights, always follow your heart. You probably could it died here on earth if you would it embraced it. You should be in the complete knowing before making any decision of something that is not properly communicating with you, if it is your destiny eventually you will get there. But your higher self helped you because was not your time..Yet..    Take care
  • What is missing in Christianity, or should I say what THEY miss - because it IS written in the testimonies of Yeshua bin Nasri (he was a Nazirite* as well as a rabbi), that WE create our desires; we are in the driver's seat with our prayers. Through our Hearts and Will do we make manifest. We create this entire realm every day so why should 'God' intervene in this creation of OURS? WE create the injustices, oppressions and marginalizing sicknesses that bring murder, rape and hatred in our midst - not 'God'. This is our responsibility. The Heart perceives well beyond the 5-Sense Prison - that is why our Minds are freed during sleep. The Heart chakra opens and we are released from the physical 'body' (the innermost construct of 'body' - we have 7; some say 9 or even 11, lol). It is our preconceptions that shape our experience with those divine entities. You said in the beginning that you feel like 'God' is cold and removed from our well being. This is why you felt Fear and hesitance to Trust the Light Beings. They would have suggested that you back into your body - do you think they didn't know you're not ready? Of course they do, lol. There is no 'separation' or time once the Heart opens; all is recognized and felt by all sentient entities of all Universes in past-present-future. What they wanted to do is gift you with Love; to assist in opening your Heart COMPLETELY so you could bask in the Transcendent power of Unconditional Love. Most indigenous cultures of this World understand the nature of the Dream-Time as being another dimension of cognisance  One that is enabled through the Heart, not the Mind, which facilitates the conscious experience. Scientists have already proven that the Mind does not reside within the brain - therefore neither would 'Soul' - it is merely a transducer, just as all the sense organs are. There is nowhere in the brain that one can pinpoint and say, "This is where we think, create, discern, etc - "There's no one home!", as Deepak Chopra would say, lol..We are  'the observer' -- in Quantum Physics terms. I hope you keep having these experiences so that you can continue to learn and grow Peace & Blessings Beloved! *Nazereth didn't exist during his time. The Nazirite sect http://www.nazarite.com/meaning.htm