blood in my hair // remake (desc is kinda important)

Published 2020-11-27
ok SO i have to put this here so i dont get yelled at
1: this isnt a vent. i wanted to remake the original one (which was a vent) because the song we will commit wolf murder has become my favorite song recently so the original vent is REALLY important to me and has a special place in my heart, cuz it was one of my first instances of showing intense interest in the song. this isnt meant to dig up any old drama, ive stopped talking about that stuff publicly months ago and id like others not to mention it as well (please id really like to move on with my life), but as you can see from the amount of effort i put into this im very passionate about the original vent.
2: [pumpkin] doesnt represent my ex anymore, nor do any of the memories. theyre just characters now, which i will be using VERY sparingly unless something calls for it (like this animation did)
3: i think carols dead?????
4: im doing ok now :3

original:    • Video  
song:    • We Will Commit Wolf Murder