Worst Victory Road Ever

Published 2022-12-11
#pokemon #scarletandviolet
I always get a lot of comments disagreeing with me, which is totally fine. But, considering I'm always objectively right, I'd love to see some comments on some other aspects I didn't touch on about the Victory Road challenge. You know, shake it up a bit more than usual. As much as I loved Nemona's final battle, and some aspects of the true finale, dropping the ball this hard with the elite four and champion is unheard of in a Pokemon game. I wish we could just play the games from the most profitable series on the planet with more net good changes than downgrades.

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   / @swiftstr33t  

Check out @smithplayspokemon great video on other reasons Geeta is a bad Champion
Some footage from @GamersPrey and @100Guides

All Comments (21)
  • larry is the best because his boring and funny that's the point of larry
  • We like Larry because he's just a regular guy that's relatable and not an overly hyped up streamer or a guy who carries around a grass whip
  • @ktvx.94
    Larry is unique by being not unique and boring. Every other character is so special, yet he's the ultimate average Joe. There's something relatable in the way he behaves. He also definitely looks like a call for help from the developers lmao.
  • @Perroden
    There's really nothing wrong in using your favorite pokemon even if they are weak. But gym leaders especially the champion should have GOOD pokemon with high stats.
  • Fun fact. The Elite Four theme wasn't a glitch. It was worse, a memory leak. It just means you haven't reset your game in a while.
  • @shopnil4
    Clavell was more difficult for me than the Elite 4 and champion combined. He needs to be promoted.
  • The main reason why people like Larry is the kids that played this game are now adults and have to work three jobs so it feels like, they have something in common with pokémon again.
  • @rene5861
    Larry’s the squidward of paldea, he’s one of us
  • @sithshi9918
    So here's something I found to be weird. So the elite four and champion use no items but there are two and only two random trainers that have Pokemon holding an item. One trainer is using leftovers and the other is using a fire damage reducing berry.
  • @ogihcI131
    I watched this video because I actually loved the elite 4 and felt that they had way more personality than most other e4s. As well the gym leaders having 2 jobs. A main job as well as being a gym leader. However, Geeta, I 100% agree, she is so blad and robotic, especially so when turo and sada had way more personality than her, and her team was so boring because of it's placement. I'm actually expecting her to have like a BDSP Cynthia level rematch because then I'll feel better about her main story being vland
  • @raihan652
    Nemona is the only friendly rival that i am excited to fight with
  • "It doesn't make sense that Larry's the only miserable overworked person surrounded by happy-go-lucky trainers" The same could be said of Squidward, the only miserable overworked person (err...sea creature) surrounded by the happy-go-lucky citizens of Bikini Bottom.
  • @lordtt3984
    Larry being just a guy is hilarious in all honesty and that's why people love him. Also Poppy being a child isn't something surprising in the pokemon universe since we've had preschoolers in pretty much all of the end game battle facilities across many generations and nobody has ever batted an eye (not to mention that we've had 2 child champions in Blue and Iris). I agree Geeta sucks though she was so boring
  • @Hoveai
    I would have loved it if Poppy was a robot designed by the professor as an early AI robot prototype for his/her own design. Poppy was later abandoned due to being deemed a failure. She ventured and found because of her mechanical nature she grew close to Steel Pokemon and uses her robotic mind calculations to bring out their most potential. This is the only way I could see her being an elite four member.
  • I loved this elite 4. Geeta however needed a far better team. Her team needed a buff. Hell, putting Glamora first and making Kingambit as her ace to take advantage of their abilities makes her a far better challenge.
  • @fallonfish190
    Larry being boring is the entire point of his character. He's a NORMAL type gym leader, and just a NORMAL guy. It's his blandness and normalcy that makes him stand out.
  • @sylvy.
    i like how larrys both a gym leader and an elite four member, meaning that they couldnt find a seperate person to be the 3rd member so they just took the best character in the game
  • I agree as someone who started Pokémon at 10 in Gen 5 the elite four and iris destroyed me, and fighting Cynthia in the post game was a hassle but it felt good when I won. Gen 9 elite four feel weak no items or healing, and no rematch and no choice in what order you want to battle them in. I hope when DLC comes out they boost their teams.
  • I actually love how you ended the video. Nemona really was one of the highlights in this game, and I hope we can see more of her soon.
  • @kuro-yuki
    A lot of people like Larry because he’s relatable to the fans that grew up playing Pokémon. He’s overworked, tired, has multiple jobs, and is scared of getting yelled at from his boss. The only thing he genuinely finds joy in is good food. If that isn’t relatable to real life, then I don’t know what is.