Love Actually & the Hell Genre it Spawned

Published 2024-06-20
Deja vu? In this video, we shall explore the great sins of early-to-late 2000s romcoms, with a heavy focus on the celeb ensemble mega-cast holiday movies that began with the legendary Love Actually (2003). Let's go.

Nick from My Family if you're watching, buy me one pint of beer. Thanks.

p.s. here's the song:    • gay wife and indian husband  

♡ヽ(。• ε •。)

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Movies discussed:

Love Actually (2003)
He's Just Not That Into You (2009)
Valentine's Day (2010)
New Year's Eve (2011)
Christmas eve (2015)
Mother's Day (2016)
The Decoy Bride (2011)
Dumb Money (2023

All Comments (21)
  • @mothcub
    This is a REUPLOAD which removes Martin Freeman's bare torso from the video. Please do not age restrict this version I am begging.
  • @lionelrowe617
    the implication of "her car must be brown because she likes to keep things natural and brown is the natural color of cars" is fucking destroying me
  • @renalanf0rd
    the UK “just a lil guy” speech is crazy considering how they fucking still have colonies everywhere
  • I gotta say, Emma Thompson and Alan Rickman read as very divorced to me in the last scene of the movie. They're picking him up from the airport! Clearly he's in town to see the kids. Their body language throughout that scene exactly matches the body language between my parents whenever they had to interact (and couldn't be seen screaming at each other)
  • @AbbeeRambles
    My favorite thing about this movie is that the two children in love grew up to voice Ferb and Vanessa Doofenshmirtz, confirming that they are soulmates in every lifetime.
  • @sabrecellist
    It's pretty bizarre to start a movie using an American national tragedy to prove love exists, but then even weirder to then have the British PM to defend his love by dissing the US.
  • @littlerelief
    Thank you for taking down that cruel, cruel subplot about the woman with the mentally ill brother and how that meant she could never find love or even have a single night of passion with her work crush. If I can overshare for a moment - I was recently out of the psych ward when I went to see Love Actually with a friend of mine and that scene made me absolutely break down because it awakened all these massive awful fears in me that my sibling would wind up in a similar situation with me one day. Totally ridiculous, of course, she's happily married and super successful AND if she ever did need to become my main support person, none of those things would change as a result. But I was young and vulnerable and didn't have the life experience to laugh that plotline off back then, so it really cut deep. I so appreciate the visceral satisfaction you gave me by pulling no punches when explaining how godawful it is.
  • @DrPeacemakerX
    I once tried watching this movie with my family. We were so bored after 10 minutes that we switched to watching Lucy, the movie where Scarlet Johansson uses 100% of her brain. That's how desperate we were.
  • Women as prizes is the synopsis of this movie. Emma Thompson is an old mom so she isn't a prize to be won and flatter the man's ego anymore. This movie is just yikes all around.
  • Gotta love PM Hugh Grant declaring war on the USA like he just stepped out of a time machine from 1812
  • @rileyrosser2977
    I genuinely hadn't noticed that the women in love actually all end up sad and the men all get happy endings. what's up with that? also i think that the emma watson plot is the only redeeming plot, not because it's particularly well-written or well handled, but purely because thompson does such a beautiful piece of acting when she opens the present and has to look happy about it, and then puts herself back together after her meltdown so she doesn't ruin xmas for her children. i agree with you though that the plot point of her deciding to stay, "knowing life would always be a little be worse" wasn't treated with the reapect it deserved. similarly, i always really liked liam neeson doing his best to be a good single step-dad while dealing with his own grief, but he defs shouldn't have encouraged it as much as he did, DEFINITELY not bypassing airport security in a world which the opening monologue confirms takes place post 9/11. thats a wild thing to let ur child do!!
  • @Justice4Raditz
    I said it before and I'll say it again: "gay wife, indian husband" is the most beautiful song of our generation
  • @cactuspeach2517
    I was so deeply upset when the original disappered, can't believe martin freeman's bare torso would betray you like that >:(
  • @cal6137
    Once a philosophy prof who I disliked said he hates this movie so I watched it out of spite. And he was right. But I'll watch anything Colin Firth is in <3
  • @nbDeal985
    Finally I can learn to loathe Love Actuallys without being subjected to smut and filth
  • Finally, I can watch this without all the footage of fatal car accidents you had playing in the background
  • For me the worst thing about this movie is Alan Rickman cheating on Emma Thompson, and the second worst is the expectation that anyone would look at another man twice, let alone smooch him, if they had Chiwetl Ejiofor for a spouse.
  • @sammosaurusrex
    I like this movie for a lot of reasons which I refuse to admit are just “nostalgia,” but it has some of the most heinous examples of “and then everyone clapped” in the history of cinema.
  • There's an unbelievable number of male boss/female subordinate plotlines in this movie, too. It's really weird once you notice it
  • It's worse: love actually has taken over non English movies too. In Poland almost all 'romantic' comedies follow love actually. For the past two decades or so.