
Published 2018-04-23
Finally, some answers!

Funded by my generous supporters on Patreon. Thank you Caleb Wright, Albert Wenger, Pat Devlin, David Perryman, Jade Bilkey, Donald "Chronos" King, Jack Heidrick, Chris Pierik, Andrew Romaner, Jodi Vezzetti, Carol Ghiorsi Hart, Wish Society, Charley Sheets, Yana Chernobilsky, and Michael Tiemann!

Join us, it's a fun time:

Part 1 on metachirality:    • Metachirality?  

All Comments (21)
  • @jangambler9998
    I died when the pasta turned into a cat. God damn, how can a person be this genuinely cute?
  • @AlletaLady
    I love watching the YouTube channels of bored geniuses
  • @GriimX
    Wondered why the triangle thought the 3rd dimension was time. Then realized that it was 2D. That was clever, and worth a good laugh.
  • " You were born to like spirals!- It's in your DNA " That statement just made my day
  • "like this swirlynoodle which has a direction to its flappybits, like petting a cat, but pasta." --The genius at work.
  • @joe-of8gu
    You just made my day with your foot staircase and pasta cat.
  • @quasijo
    I hope pasta kitty can join us in another video. So random and cute!
  • @tom_something
    Having this in two parts left me with a lot of suspense, but it was worth it because I finally learned the difference between pasta kitties and spring fingers.
  • @holyfingshit
    I've been eating metachirality in my telephone cords and slinkies?!?! Holy cow!
    "You were born to like spirals. It's in your DNA" Put that on a t shirt
  • @kingedwin
    Vihart has a mirror and a spirally foot thing, yet somehow this didn't turn into a Monty Python animation.
  • @therugburnz
    This melted my skull. My brain feels much better now. Thanx