Unlocking the Secrets to Financial Purpose: Paula White's Message on Prosperity and Success

Hey everyone! I'm so excited to share with you my new book, Money Matters, all about purpose and prosperity. In this book, I talk about the importance of having a heart that is aligned with God's principles for success. I discuss how millionaires have thought through their purpose in life and started to prosper from it.

The Bible promises us that if we seek first the kingdom of God in our lives, everything else will be added unto us. And that includes financial prosperity! I share practical tips on how to apply Jesus' teachings to our lives and finances so that we can experience true abundance in this world.

So come join me on this journey towards financial freedom - grab a copy of my new book and let's get started together!

In my new book, Money Matters, I talk about the importance of money, God and people in life. We all have a purpose that we started with and if we want to prosper and build up people, then it is important to look to Jesus and the bible for guidance. The Bible has many principles that can help us create true wealth that can be passed down generationally. It is not just about building up ourselves but helping other people as well. That is why I believe the promise of the Kingdom of Heaven is so important; it allows us to bring our heart-felt desires into reality, even creating millionaires in the process! So what does the Bible say? Watch this video to find out more about what I have learned from studying God’s Word on wealth and prosperity!

For more information about Paula White Ministries and how to get your copy of Money Matters, please visit paulawhite.org/

コメント (13)
  • "All you need is provision" -Pastor Paula 🙏🙌
  • @iDelta77
    To prosper means continued success
  • Pastor Paula I've received your letter and it touched me so much 😊 I really appreciate every word and I will be in agreement with you On the 70 dollar package for now but I will absolutely Do the 1000👑 So please keep me one Amen And keep this YouTube channel and profile between you and I Amen Steve 🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️
  • @pennyking3823
    " Secret to Financial Purpose" Easy! Tell the suckers what they want to hear, sprinkle in some God talk, and rake in the buck!
  • @gosg21111
    If you are one with god. Give your fortune to the poor as Jesus would. But you can't, and won't.