Top 10 [EPIC] World War I (1914-1918) massive battles movie scenes (WW1)

0:00 - The Red Baron (2008)
0:46 - War Horse (2011)
3:28 - War Horse (2011)
5:00 - The Red Baron (2008)
7:58 - Private Peaceful (2012)
11:00 - Joyeux Noel (2005)
12:03 - Tolkien (2019)
12:35 - Tolkien (2019)
13:36 - The Lost Battalion (2001)
16:50 - Journey's End (2017)
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I Do Not Own Any of Mentioned Materials. This is for Entertainment Purposes Only. This Video is to Encourage People to Watch the Full-length Movies, Mentioned in the Top. All the Rights in This Content Belong to Their Respective Owner/s. Big Thanks to All Companies and Owners for such Cool Movie

コメント (21)
  • I love how death is represented in the first charging scene not by blood and gore, but by contrasting the shot of soldiers charging, with the empty horses passing through.
  • cavalry charges are fun and games until the forest starts speaking mg08
  • it would be cool to see other factions besides british and 1 french scene. like the Russians, Austrians, Serbians, Italians, and ottomans
  • That cavalry attack was absurd at first, but then I saw the horror of something seemingly out of time to the modern mechanical changing face of war, being slain by a sword while shaving and trampled over by dozens of horses !!
  • After watching this , i've got 2 things to say: 1. World War 1 was terrific and probably the scariest war that has ever happened. 2. I want to play Battlefield 1 so bad now.
  • That whistle blow makes my heart skip a beat. How frightening it must have been for the soldiers, to hear that shrill sound. Like death calling for them.
  • My great grandfather was a Marine in WWI. I never got to meet him as he passed away a few years before I was born. However I cannot help but think about the horrors he witnessed while watching a film about the war.
  • Welcome to the comments, where everyone is a general or historian
  • Imagine actually going through those experiences. My goodness they were brave in the extreme. Forget the context of it and visualise running towards death. RIP all of them no matter their allegiances.
  • Every scene is brutal but the last one is so horrific. You can really see how strong men were broken and you can really see just how shell shock affects people in the moment.
  • Tho I have the deepest respect for all soldiers who served in WW1, I am still trying to understand how a bayonnet charge against German machine gun fire was ever considered an effective battle strategy. I dunno, maybe try laying down some precise rifle fire from a distance? Train more marksmen?
  • The scene at 2:50 where the horses ride past the Germans without riders is a display of the devestating power of machine guns against cavalry and infantry
  • These movies, which mostly show British attacks on the Western front, seem to be overly influenced by the carnage of the first day of the Somme. The reality is that these attacks were often successful at the tactical level but due to the limitations of transport and communications they were rarely if ever translated into strategic gains. Also, they never show the devastation of the defending trenches where the British barrage often destroyed the first line of defense and the attacking waves sometimes walked in to little opposition. Of course, these successes were short lived as the Germans often successfully counterattacked. Not to be too cavalier about these horrifying battles, there certainly were plenty of attacks where the British or French troops were slaughtered en masse. Still a head-scratcher as to why the generals kept doing the same kind of attacks over and over. All of these clips were from films made in the 21st century. I'm guessing the creator hasn't seen such outstanding WW1 films as All Quiet on the Western Front (1930), Sergeant York (1941), or Paths of Glory (1956 or 57), all of which contained realistic battle scenes worthy of this video.
  • that first war horse scene is every battlefield 1 server in a nutshell
  • The world war 1 battle in legends of the fall was pretty damn epic too
  • How benevolent of those nice German chappies not to shoot the horses!
  • I'm surprised Lawrence of Arabia isn't in here, but these are awesome, The Red Baron is my favorite though
  • @Morgsm  There's another aspect of WWI that needs to be mentioned - all the executions for 'cowardice' that took place. Most of the 'cowards' who were executed, were shell-shocked 16-17 year old boys who had lied about their age, to 'join the great adventure', only to crack under the prolonged and devastating artillery pounding, and were found wandering around dazed, and disoriented. They were arrested on sight, and after a short 'trial', (some trials took only 20 mins-½ hour) they were sentenced to be 'shot at dawn'. Often they were shot already the following morning. The Italians carried out the most such executions, then the French, closely followed by the British (they also shot Canadians, New Zealanders) The Germans executed considerably fewer of their troops. America and Australia did not execute their own troops for 'cowardice'.
  • 3:22 And it was then human civilization decided that calvary charges weren’t quite that grand anymore