Jordan Peterson and IQ

Let's talk about Jordan Peterson and his strange IQ takes and how they make me FEEL. For a monthly bonus video and other cool stuff, go to my Patreon!

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Edited by Mothcub:
Special thanks to Unlearning Economics:
   / @unlearningeconomics9021  
Some More News' Video:    • A Brief Look at Jordan Peterson - SOM...  

Footnote One, on the subject of universal healthcare:

A patron had this point to make, so I thought I'd address it here. They said, paraphrased, "Actually Peterson is from Canada and supports their healthcare system. Doesn't that challenge your point on his conservatism"

The answer? Not really. While Peterson is broadly a conservative, of course I recognise that universal healthcare is the status quo position in most places where it exists and that he supports it. My point here was not about particular policies he doesn't support, but about the incoherence of his claim that "shovelling money down the hierarchy" is so profoundly difficult because people are too stupid. To make that point, he has to disregard obvious solutions to this problem.

Footnote Two, on the subject of Race and IQ:

I assume some fans of Peterson will think I am straw-manning him or taking him out of context on this point. I am not. It is impossible to watch this video and think he doesn't believe certain races, including black people, are genetically different with regard to IQ:    • Jordan Peterson - The Big IQ Controversy  . And he has, on multiple occasions, lent support to the Bell Curve. I don't think my claim here is controversial at all, to be honest. Here is Shaun's incredible video on the Bell Curve, if you're interested:    • The Bell Curve  

Peterson clips in order of rough appearance:

   • 2017 Personality 18: Biology & Traits...  
   • Jordan Peterson | The Most Terrifying...  
   • Jordan Peterson - The HORRIFYING TRUT...  
   • The IQ Problem | Jordan Peterson & St...  
   • 2017 Maps of Meaning 08: Neuropsychol...  
   • The Neuroscience of Intelligence: Dr....  
   • Jordan Peterson - Lecture on Free Spe...  
   • Why Free Speech is the Antidote to Ig...  
   • Jordan Peterson On Poverty and Lack o...  
   • Fix Yourself | 5 Minute Video  
   • How to Solve Growing Financial Inequa...  
   • Jordan Peterson: Why We're Afraid to ...  
   • ‘F*** you, if you don’t like it’ Jord...  

Articles I used:………

コメント (21)
  • @BigJoel
    If you want to watch a monthly bonus video from me, go to my patreon and give me a few bucks! This month I have a few deleted sections from this video, which is, maybe fun, and will be out today. Anyway, here's the link!
  • Imagine if your clinical psychologist told you that he didn't believe that people could fundamentally change
  • @jello4835
    "I have no idea. People who boast about their IQ are losers." -- Stephen Hawking, when asked by a reporter for his IQ
  • Imagine your dad coming to you, his adult daughter, to complain about a fat woman on a magazine cover for five solid minutes tho. Imagine
  • When I was a kid, my mom, a college teacher, brought me Eysenck's IQ Test book, with ~10 variants of test. And I solved them all during a weekend. At the first one I got around 110, and last ones I easily solved for 140. So it is either a greatest intellectual improvement in human history, or IQ just shows how someone is good at solving poorly defined logical puzzles.
  • I love how Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist, saw that one of his patients suffering with a drug addiction was spending all of his money on drugs when he got it and concluded that "poor people don't know how to handle money" rather than "my patient's disease is making him spend money on drugs instead of necessities." I feel bad for anyone who is a client of this man.
  • The sentence “To Jordan Peterson’s credit, I have no idea what he’s talking about” is beautiful
  • "The relationship between poverty and intelligence is self evident once you think about it for any length of time" is just "I think there is a relationship between poverty and intelligence, no I don't have any source, my word must suffice, clean your room" To think I once adored this man.
  • @realsanmer
    Remember children: IQ tests only prove how good you are at solving IQ tests.
  • “This is why I’m a radical defender of free speech. You should be exposed to ideas that make you ask questions even if they make you uncomfortable!” looking at magazine cover “This isn’t where this picture belongs! It makes me uncomfortable, as though it’s trying to make me question my preconceptions!”
  • "some rich people are parasitical but some aren't" but also ALL poor people are parasitical and just want government handouts to spend on drugs. Super consistent jordy
  • @marcybons
    literally so easy to diagnose this guy with "divorced because his wife got sick of being treated like she was literally an inferior being, also rolled her eyes at his bullshit a bunch before she finally left" it's unreal
  • At my grocery store we have a lovely teen with Down syndrome who bags groceries. He is helpful, smiling and cheerful every time I see him. I don’t buy the IQ argument at all. Some of the stupidest people I have met have been wealthy and less useful to society than this young man. I don’t know who he lives with, but I’ll assume he isn’t living on his own or earning a living wage, but he is helpful and useful to society. Our acceptance of him throughout his life, along with good parents and social programs have helped make him the cheerful person he is. Tossing our hands up and giving up on a low IQ child robs the world of people like this young man. I will assume that he has a job due to some social program benefiting his employer.
  • @duck6100
    Personally I think his position has always been "I want to do eugenics but would never straight up say that because I'd get cancelled"
  • Peterson's refusal to define the actual problem is maddening. "There's is nothing for 10% of the population to do" sure SOUNDS like a problem, but he's missing the very last step. How is this actually affecting the world right now? Is there 10% of the population that can't get jobs and are suffering because of it? So we need to find a way to fit them better into society, by making jobs for them? Or is 10% of the population failing at jobs that they aren't able to do, and employers should be free to fire them? Peterson's great trick is to stop right before he finishes his argument, so that in order to disagree with him you have to infer his conclusion, giving him the ability to dismiss you immediately because "I never said that." It's cowardly and brilliant at the same time.
  • My IQ is 143 and I've lived below the poverty line most of my adult life. Take that, JBP
  • School psychologist here. When I evaluate a kid’s “IQ,” I’m more concerned about their individual cognitive differences—not how “smart” they are. Knowing that a child has trouble in a specific area (like the kiddos with ADHD or Autism who struggle with processing speed and working memory or the kids with SLD who have a hard time with auditory processing) is useful because it tells me how to design the child’s Individualize Education Plan (IEP) to best help. Just saying “we’ll, they’re just dumb” isn’t constructive at all—even when you’re working with a child with low cognitive and adaptive abilities due to an intellectual disability.
  • "I don't know the solution" = "I actually think the solution is eugenics but I can't say that out loud" Every single thing about him is like psychology 100 years ago or something. He was born in the wrong century.
  • the thing with Peterson is that he really impresses centrist pseudointellectuals because he does this thing where he finds problems with everyone including conservatives, he says "these people who are trying to find solutions aren't smart enough to realize the problem is complicated" and everyone claps him for it, failing to see all he has said is that the problem is complicated and offers no complicated solution himself, he is contrarian for the sake of it and never says anything meaningful if you look carefully
  • "If you don't buy IQ, you might as well throw out the rest of psychology" Me keeping up with developments in modern psych: lol ok, we can do that.