Mario 64's Physics are not perfect


コメント (21)
  • don't you just hate it when you're gaming and you find some bad nath formulas?
  • I wonder if someday Kaze will release a SM64 version with every possible improvement he can make to it...
  • The only change I dissagree for sure is removing "big fall damage" animations. Yes, it's a little annoying that it takes so long for Mario to get up, but it just gives that charm of realism & Mario feeling more human I suppose.
  • One thing that is massively underrated about Kaze is how good he is at user research and understanding how other people use the games he’s working on.
  • @MrShyGuy_
    Super Mario 64's physics were kinda flawed in some aspects, but they have their own charm that makes me feel great when controlling Mario around. With these changes, for some reason not only the charm remains untouched, but it even improves it removing the more annoying aspects of it! I absolutely love this :D
  • @JMPDev
    Minor suggestion: while doing the fast fall with Z that you added while in the aerial twirl state, have Mario rotate a bit faster.
  • @dan_loup
    Making the character respond better to your will is always a good idea. It does make the current levels you have easier, but you can just ramp the difficulty to make for it and still get a better experience because the player will feel it's his fault rather than the controls.
  • @Haganeren
    I feel like only the removal of the super fall damage animation would makes me sad because when it happens, it's when you fail big time and even expect to die so it can really be a funny moment especially for beginners ( or playing, looking at them ) so it's cool to see an animation that emphize that instead of immediately moving on. Those are very incredible changes other than that ! I agree that what the community wants is not necessarily more difficult hack and i hope that when your main hack is being released ( i can't wait to play it btw) it can be easy for other developper to take all your modification to develop their hack from it ! And well, let's be honest, with a coyote jump added, kaizo hack can now makes jumps where they are mandatory ! Difficulty can always be there !
  • I think the swimming in the original mario 64 was pretty intuitive, and it's especially good the way that it works in galaxy, having a button to go deeper underwater with the Z button I don't have many arguments besides saying it feels nice, and perhaps having the original swimming plus that action would feel better but yeah
  • The 360 degree swimming in Mario 64 is one of my favorite things about the game, and I miss it dearly in Odyssey. I know some people find the swimming levels slow and boring, but to me they're like a therapeutic break between the manic frenzy of some of the other levels. It's a product of it's time, but the freedom to just explore a 3D space at a calm pace like that is really comforting.
  • @GoldenH
    Big fall damage is one of my favorite things in Mario 64. Nothing is as immersive as getting squished for a few seconds or falling off your feet after a big enough fall. It's what really makes you appreciate how vertical a specific level can be compared to other falls you've experienced in earlier levels. Otherwise I think these are a lot of logical updates to the game, even if I don't think they're necessarily needed.
  • The only change you talked about that I think I'd want you to reconsider is the way swimming works, but at the same time if you've designed your water levels with those controls in mind idk if switch back would cause issues. Maybe you could have "classic swim controls" as an option, and if you're willing maybe also tweak the classic style controls to make swimming straight up or straight down easier to do. Might also help to change how accelerating works so that mashing A gives you the same speed as perfect rhythmic presses. Either way I'm sure the new controls are good even if I have a slight preference for the original.
  • For a 1996 game you gotta admit Super Mario 64 was ahead of its time
  • Big fan of the auto quick turn. That was a mechanic that always frustrated me even as a kid. At the same time it is kinda cool how even that mechanic is used in speedrunning (cannonless).
  • All of this looks great, but I'm not a fan of the dramatic change in swimming controls. Could there be an option in the menu to change between the new, Odyssey-style swimming and the original style?
  • This guy knows more about SM64 than the developers who made it
  • @Skulll9000
    18:57 True, but I remember hearing in an interview that it was an intentional design decision to make returning to the surface heal you. Reducing two meters into one meter is definitely very in line with Mario's design philosophy. Drowning instantly after entering water is definitely very dumb though.
  • This looks really good. I think personally that the swimming should remain unchanged, but I do think you are right, I just like 64 swimming lol.
  • 12:44 The half-circle after landing was my biggest gripe with SM64. Glad to see it addressed
  • I liked the original water health system thing. A quick way to restore your health when there's no heart or coins around.