I REALLY Hate Kim From Miraculous

When you think about hateable characters within any story or franchise, you tend to think of villains right? Main or supporting, and debate about who is truly the most malicious. But not too often are there discussions about regular people within said stories that are just completely detestable and beyond help. And because Miraculous pretty much lives in my head rent-free I was thinking about one character in particular. Kim. He is of no real relevance to the story let’s be honest. But there’s so much about him that gets on my nerves. So today I thought I’d rant about him. Enjoy.

コメント (21)
  • No way Kim and Marinette socialize during 4 seasons as normal friends to later tell what Kim did to her, it is so obvious they made it to justify Marinette's toxic attitude at all costs
  • @Misuu690
    Kim's only purpose in that one episode is just to give Marinette an excuse for her posssesive creepyness, basically just an object to push the plot forward, this is how desparatly Astruc wants to display Marinette as the most kindest person to ever exist
  • "I HATE THIS BOY" next to a scared kim is such a powerful thumbnail, I love it
  • It took five seasons and a terminal illness for nathile to grow a spine and the show tries to make us feel bad
  • Honestly, I don’t really hate Kim for this. I just freaking hate the writers for having this storyline for him. And for what? Just to get another excuse for Marinette to be a such a creepy stalker?! Like come on!! Why would anyone write a storyline just to justify a stalker’s behavior? Also, are you trying to tell me, that Marinette was able to socialize with him even after all of this? And not even deciding to choose another Monkey miraculous holder other than him? Like really?! The writers just dropping this plot out of nowhere? Come on now Miraculous show writers!
  • First he was a good person in season 2 and 3 but they ruined it in season 5 just To give an excuse for Marinette Stalking and make Chloe look bad
  • Lets face it, Kim being stupid is just a running gag. It was meant to be silly. But THEN they use him to justify Marinette's creepiness, they make him so much of jerk it's beyond comprehension why Marinette even bothered being in the same room as him, and everything went down to flames from then on
  • @Tara191
    Honestly Derision ruined everything for Kim It turned him into a monster
  • The thing about Kim is he is not consistent one day he is a bully and next day he is a nice guy pick a struggle like I felt in season one he was the secondary bully and I thought he and Chloe would date
  • should make a video like this about every classmate in miraculous
  • Like many characters in the show, he was a victim of bad writing and the status quo.
  • @annett5
    The fact mari gave the miraculous to kim multiple times but not chloe even though they both caused her trauma and even though hackmoth knows their identities makes her a hypocrite And the fact kim's gf after finding out what he did to the mc and after he called chloe the prettiest and funniest girl in the world, instead of breaking up with him decided to keep their relationship as the were, makes me speechless Kim literally faced no consequences of his deeds. He was only called out and changed his mind about pranks for no reason
  • On one part, I would hate Kim for what happened in DERISION, on a second part, I feel bad for Kim being a victim of bad writing like many characters in the show unfortunately, and on a third part, a lot of Kim's interaction with Marinette makes no sense with the history of DERISION added to the mix which just make the whole history between the two an inserted excuse to justify Marinette's stalkerish behavior. Now, further explanation in regards to the first part, I would hate Kim for DERISION because part of aspects fit a bit into his personality. Kim is DENSE for lack of a better word, and I don't mean dense in the hilarious and adorable way, but dense in a way that is extremely annoying and to some extent cruel to others. Kim has a tendency more often than not to do things for a laugh but never considers what it does to the people affected as long as he gets a laugh out of it until the consequences have to be literally spelled out for him to understand how messed up those "pranks" are. He gets defensive when called out on his cruel pranks and feels like everyone is ganging up on him, ruining his fun and in his words "doesn't accept how he is" He tends to mix up fun pranking with cruel jokes and often doesn't see it until he's on the receiving end which is hypocritical that it's fun and games to him until he's hurt and that's when things are too far. It actually makes sense how he partially fell for Chloe, as he somewhat saw her cruelty as almost equal in meaning to his pranks as long as the wording describing the action are the words "joke" or "prank" then he's sold on the idea until the consequences show up. Now, explaining further in regards to the second part, I feel bad for Kim's character suffering from poor writing. Kim's character tends to experience shifts between lacking a kind of social awareness of knowing when his pranks go too far at one point and then having said social awareness to know when it's going too far the next moment and then vice versa again. Not only that, Kim seems to flipflop from disliking Chloe for being a bully then calling her an amazing girl which makes no sense, does he hate Chloe or not? Also, unfortunately, I think they just included Kim because the episode named DERISION focused on the Monkey Miraculous which he is the holder of and the fact that tended to pull pranks while being dense as well as the fact that they needed a reason to explain Marinette's stalkerish tendencies, so he became the sacrificial lamb for this cause. Now, explaining further in regards to the third part, the interactions between Kim and Marinette in earlier seasons and in DERISION doesn't really make sense. In earlier seasons, Kim and Marinette didn't appear to have any close interactions nor interests that would have shown any reason for a history of Kim being Marinette's first crush. Plus, if the history in DERISION has indeed been on Marinette's mind, then shouldn't she have expressed to Master Fu about having reservations in trusting Kim with a miraculous as they had a complicated history, so she wouldn't be to eager to trust him, but so far we've seen that Marinette trusted Kim without question as though the historical tension between the two was non-existent until it's mentioned in DERISION and suddenly Kim remembers after 4+ seasons that he played a cruel prank on Marinette which left tension between the the two but the tension didn't exist between the two until it was mentioned now. Had Kim and Marinette had a closer childhood bond like I've seen it mentioned in some fanfiction, and then it got strained due to a prank that went wrong due to Chloe and not in relation to a crush then that would make sense in a way. Actually, I don't think they even needed Kim for DERISION the same way the episode JUBILATION, which was in relation to the power of the Pig Miraculous, didn't need Rose who is its holder as the akuma but used Dark Owl, so DERISION could have used anyone or even just Chloe. The term DERISION means contemptuous ridicule or mockery which falls more on Chloe's part than Kim's. So the akuma didn't necessarily need to be Kim but could have focused on someone akumatised after being subjected to cruel mockery and was granted the power of uproar in the concept of Derision. The episode could have still confronted Chloe's cruel antagonism towards Marinette which still baffles me on why they decided that Chloe's bullying is suddenly almost homicidally cruel when it wasn't the case before. Also, if Marinette's experience with how her crush on Kim ended affected how she expresses her love to a person she's in love with, then how come when she was in love with Luka, she was perfectly fine with expressing her love even when she stuttered a bit and she didn't resort stalkerish behavior. I feel like DERISION and Kim were just needed to justify Marinette's stalkerish flaw with a backstory when it should have just been confronted for what it is, a VERY CONCERNING FLAW that should have been called out than being given a backstory to explain it.
  • I honestly don’t hate him. Because I don’t consider Derision canon. Except the Kimdine moments. Those are cute. Marinette having a crush on him is gross though. Ondine x Kim. Marinette. Stay away!
  • This shows writing is so funny to me considering how every one of its characters are hated/ disliked in some way It gets even funnier when you realize how good these characters( and the show in general) would be in the hands of better writers
  • People say he's a himbo he's not Himbos are dumb and kind but Kim is dumb but not kind
  • The first 2 1/2 minutes of the video basically sums up that every character in Miraculous sucks.
  • Kim is like changing his mind every 2 seconds I like Chloe I don't like Chloe etc... What's wrong with him... The race thing was here for fun and to make us laugh in my opinion, but derision.... Oh... Derision.. Just NO, cat noir is so green flag he is the type of guy that's like "touch her and I will kill you" He is great! 🤭
  • The narrative is sp weird cause everyone dislikes Chloe in turn they should dislike Kim for how often he bullies others and who would still hand out with him after what he did to Marinette. He didnt even seem sorry about it. Really just pull that plot line out of nowhere
  • @Owell_Owl
    Marinette : a case of some bad writing and people being to harsh and setting double standards Mayor : sucks not as much as most people in the fandom but Nathalie : she slowly turning over a new leaf still bad sometimes Alec : annoying but less now Bob Roth : Ripoff Jagged : what he said Andrè the ice cream man :what he said