Doing Dairy Right with Nubian Goat Milk | PARAGRAPHIC

Publicado 2020-11-09
Cow milk has been an American staple for decades, and now we're embracing almond, cashew, soy, and oat milk, but what about goat milk? Even though it's the most consumed milk on the planet, many fear that funky flavor, but goat milk can be incredibly beneficial, economical, and tasty!

Crow's Dairy is a 5th generation, family-owned-and-operated dairy farm. In 2008, after 30+ years of milking Holstein cows, they began milking their first herd of Nubian dairy goats. What started as an original herd of 25 goats has now expanded to well over 300.

Crow's Dairy:





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Handcrafted documentaries featuring artisans of all trades. We are filmmakers who tell the stories of creators, makers, entrepreneurs, and artists. The ones who have committed everything to their craft. From garage bakeries and mushroom farms to backyard aquaponics and innovative fabricators, these stories will take you behind the brand and show an inside look at the people who make it happen.

-Of the earth, from the plough

#goatmilk #goatcheese #dairyfarm

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @flyjum
    Honestly this channel makes the best mini documentaries around
  • @carolbahr3303
    So proud of my brother and sister-in-law. What a team. Keeping the family dairy legacy alive and growing with a world renown, award winning (unsolicited) herd of Nubians. The genetics are astonishing. Another reason their cheeses are so so good. They are sought after by chefs from the best of Arizonas fine dining restaurants and exclusive resorts. They won’t brag on themselves but I will 👍😄
  • Much More Ethical Than Mass Produced Dairy Products, He Seems Like He Really Loves What He's Doing. Those Goats Look Happy
  • @brittanyshaw6828
    The fact that you let mamas raise their babies almost brought tears to my eyes. I have mini Nubians who I plan to milk (babies due in may!) This is why I want my own dairy. I want happy animals and healthy milk. Props to you! Love the vid 💖
  • @DaveMeyer
    I wish this guy, his view, approach and his ethics were the rule, and not the exception. Hopefully his thinking catches on and positively impact that (rather awful, particularly evil) dairy industry. Great guy, great company, and another superb video.
  • @RoyalBlue4486
    Fresh goat milk is amazing. I got my first Alpine goat 4 years ago and now raise them. We love the milk, cheese, caramel and ice cream. I’ve been told my goat cheese is the best that person has ever had.
  • @ishalocke1123
    Wow! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that these mama goats get to raise their own kids. What a great dairy!
  • This video makes a small goat farmer so happy so see. Goats need recognition for how amazing they are!
  • It is wonderful to see such excellent goat husbandry at a professional dairy. I keep a small herd of goats for milk, cheese, and soap making, but primarily as delightful pets. They're extremely smart and affectionate animals that require very careful care to produce delicious milk and to stay healthy. I did not know any larger dairies would be willing or financially able to perform this ethically. I'm impressed to see that this dairy owner has made all the right choices, from dam-raising kids, taking the time to bottle raise abandoned ones, give quality local feed, low temperature pasteurize, and allow the does to dry off for at least a couple months before they freshen again. Decisions like these really impress me on a larger scale.
    A gem of a channel! Love the knowledge and passion of the dairy farmer.
  • @oliviabigley3378
    Even though I’m vegan, I appreciate what he’s doing with the goats to make them have as happy as a life as possible instead of doing whatever for profit. He’s doing a lot more compared to the majority of the dairy industry.
  • @daniboy20136
    I love this man's passion! You can tell that he's not in it for the money, but instead for the love of the game. I'm a firm believer that when you love the process, and do the best that you can you'll always get a superior product.
  • I honestly love this mini documentary on dairy goats this is super educational as someone how has grown up on a farm its great to see us represented in a good way just how it is on my farm the goats look nice, happy and healthy
  • Great video with invaluable info on Goat's & making cheese. I love that he talks about the connection in treating your Goat's really well to end up with a much better product. I'd love to taste their high quality products. Mahalo nui loa!
  • @debbiebarnes2723
    Went to 12 years of school with Wendell. He such an honest, down to earth person. Love him and his work!
  • @jennyfox1398
    Hhaha. "They think they smell great". So funny. This guys is fabulous and this is my new favorite channel❤
  • @yvonnemiller7204
    LOVE THIS! I'm a small dairy goat farmer in Upstate NY...friends of ours are opening their own goat creamery very soon! Love, love, love goats!!!!