The Act Man RAGES as Conservative Ideology WINS + Woke Sweet Baby New Project IMPLODES

Published 2024-07-18
The Act Man blasts that cancel culture is now affecting the other side, they are reaping what they sow'd & now it's a problem? And the newest Sweet Baby project is already failing, will customers support it?

#sweetbaby #theactman #blackmythwukong #jackblack #insomniac #spiderman #witcher #cyberpunk #flintlockthesiegeofdawn #sweetbabyinc #gamingnews #trending

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All Comments (21)
  • @EndymionTv
    Thank you for watching! Now that cancel culture is affecting the other side now it's suddenly a problem? Interesting how that works. Reap what you sow! MEMBERSHIPS ARE NOW LIVE!!! G-FUEL CODE: ENDYMION G-FUEL LINK: Instagram: endymionn Twitter: EndymionYT
  • @Javetts
    The right: cancelled for playing a game The left: cancelled for calling for the death of a public figure and celebrating the death of innocent people We are not the same.
  • It's so strange what is considered conservative now. 90s liberal beliefs are considered conservative now. We are truly in the upside-down.
  • @Hawkcam1996
    Advocating for murder is not the same as saying “learn to code” or “there are only two genders”. What happened to Destiny is not cancel culture.
  • @L0STV1K1NG96
    “Conservative Ideology” it’s not conservative ideology, it’s common sense and facts.
  • @BefallGaming
    Dude gets cancelled for an opinion the wokies don't like Act Ma'am: "Haha, good!" Dude gets cancelled for laughing at and mocking a man that passed away shielding his wife and daughter from certain doom Act Ma'am: "Cancel culture! REEEEEE" This is what happens when you don't have a moral compass, folks.
  • The fact that they took an Ok hand gesture so seriously even though it was a 4Chan joke is pretty freaking hilarious. Great video btw.
  • @mrburns366
    All of the conservatives that were fired/cancelled should sue the hell out of whoever fired them
  • The act man has lost his reputation ever since he went after AZ for criticising starfield. And destiny is an absolute disgusting human being.
  • @DSmith3279
    Don't forget about when legendary VA Vic Mignogna (voice of Broly in Dragon Ball) was fired and labeled a predator for making a dad joke at Monica Rial (voice of Bulma). Or the time when Count Dankula was dragged through the legal system for making and edgy joke involving his girlfriend's dog, teaching it to respond to the word "jews" and gassing for shock value. Or the time a bunch of teenage girls accused a boy of assault and harassment simply bc they didn't like him and thought he was ugly. They ruined his life bc they didn't like him... That's it.
  • Fun fact: Kingdom come takes place in medieval Czechia and today Czechia is still (thankfully) 95% Czech, guess how many black were here in the 14th century.
  • @dunderminnet
    It's not cancel culture, it's accountability culture. Leftists needs to be held accountable for their hateful rhetoric.
  • @Arassar
    Lost all respect for Act Ma'am after his BS with Az. The guy is a disingenuous clown.
  • I stopped listening to anything the act ma'am had to say since his Starfield defense.
  • @1CE.
    I knew Act Man would fall behind the right wing wave when he was siding with pronouns bs
  • Right leaning beliefs are kinda seen as evil for some odd reason. Can't even have a conversation about it. It's like taboo. As to the act man and pronouns I'm pretty sure he just thought it was only about the pronouns. It seems silly to react about it as you have the free speech to like or dislike them or just not to use them. My biggest annoyance is that conservatism is seen as heavily right winged when a lot of conservatives are actual pretty center. I don't need to be heavily right leaning to tell you that hate speech laws and enforcing pronouns legally is a messed up thing. That's a lot of power we have giving the government to pretty much silence things they find as hateful.