
コメント (21)
  • ChatGPT: "Players like uThermal and Lorimbo are known for their analytical skills and clear communication of complex game mechanics." Lorimbo: incomprehensible italian rage seizure
  • Hilarious that uthermal put out a game today where he beats a 6.6k mmr zerg by 'just A moving thors across the map'
  • This game really features what I don't like about late game ZvT. Can infestors and vipers attack? No, it would be broken to have a spellcaster that can attack. Can ghosts attack? Of course! It would be silly if they couldn't. Can infestors use all their abilities while burrowed? No, that would be broken if a caster could use abilities while it can't be seen! Can ghosts use abilities while cloaked? Obviously, it wouldn't make sense otherwise. How does zerg detection work? Well you can fly a flimsy blob in that moves at medium speed after you upgrade it, or you can use fungal growth, from an even more flimsy blob, that uses up all your gas. How does terran detection work? Just scan, infinite range, wide area, any time you want. How is the damage from fungal growth? Well, it's there. How is the damage from snipe? Well, it's not that much, it takes two to kill an infestor, and two is a lot. Also it has more range than fungal growth, but at least it has a .5 second animation! And it's balanced, because it only works on biological units! How many zerg units are biological again? But it's okay, with good use of vipers, queens, and infestors, you can counter terran. As long as your spellcasters don't run out of energy ... which the ghost can deplete with EMP.
  • As Zerg, he should have just mind controlled a scv and built himself terran units.
  • @arnislover
    Now i'm hyped for Serral's eventual submission
  • The form was not stamped, so Reynor does not officially suck.
  • Literally the best episode yet. The ending was great. Wish Serral had input tho
  • Oh no Harstem trying to do a Lowko warcrime which is using math when live watching something.
  • @Zombles581
    I think harstem perfectly encapsulated this struggle between gumiho and Reynor when he tried to calculate the difference between 20.2 and 18.5
  • @gage6355
    Maybe a single tanky spellcaster with the damage of a normal unit, a point and click spell that instakill, a spell that counters every other spellcaster(in the area of impact) and deletes half of the healthbars of one of the 3 races and a spell that with a pretty cheap cost make them break any position is the real problem (oh they are invisibile)
  • Rofl, I absolutly love the race icon of Gumiho, the "not a donkey" sign :D Great job Hamster!!
  • Lorimbo saying what everyone was thinking watching this 😅
  • I never thought I'd see the day, but it happened. The Captain has admitted that a matchup is, in his mind, imbalanced. I am awaiting the fall of the stars in my fallout shelter as we speak!
  • @sevreal4
    I thought Reynor was about to say "Help me Obi Wan Kenobi you are my only hope" on his video complain form.
  • @vmgNarra
    the lorimbo lambo chat gpt mixup is actual comedy gold
  • @BBQLord
    Easily the clearest example of a submission being sent in by a ladder sucker. Reynor, you should've just played locally (like during a tournament) and cut his PC's power cable. EZ win. Can't believe this isn't the go-to strat in situations like this yet.
  • zerg players need to perfectly controll infestor viper broodlord: 2 very squishy spellcasters and 1 quite hard to use air unit, meanwhile terran can A move their thors in the right moments and only need to controll ghosts: cloaked and quite tanky stronger than anything spellcasters that 2 shot every unit the margin for error in these lategames is completely skewed
  • The text while Lorimbo was "speaking" was so funny :))))))