Understanding COPD - causes, signs, symptoms and treatments

Published 2024-01-17
In this episode of Talking with Docs, the doctors delve into the intricate details of COPD. Join the discussion as they explore the causes, symptoms, and various treatment options for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, providing valuable insights and expert perspectives on managing this respiratory condition.

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All Comments (21)
  • @mariebarnes416
    Watching this reinforced my reason for no longer smoking. I had a lower lobectomy in April and still crave smoking sometimes.
  • @2pugman
    I quit smoking in 1989 after have brain surgery for a bleeding artery. I was in the hospital and decided it was a great time to quit smoking. That was in 1989, but COPD got me in 2018. Then there was sleep apnea and a weak heart after a damaging five day heart attack in 2010. The lower part of my heart doesn't pump very well. I have one stent. My heart Dr.'s call me their Mirical patient at age 82.
  • @robinjones6999
    Isn't Dr Chau just great - I wish all Drs were like that- As usual , excellent
  • @mwest3583
    My mom died of COPD last year. She spent the last several years of her life basically slowly suffocating to death. First it was an inability to walk a block without stopping. Then 20 feet. Then full time oxygen. Then higher oxygen. Moments of contained panic feeling like she couldn't get enough oxygen even when stationary. It was an awful way to go. Stop smoking.
  • @queenbee3647
    I have COPD, with supplemental O2 24/7. I also have CHF with AFib. I crashed in 2001. I have never ever taken even one single puff on a cigarette. I despise smoking. My parents had five kids that just got the bare necessities but they always had money for their three pack a day habit for each of them. My cardiologist thinks their smoking destroyed my health. I do too.
  • @66block84
    My wife died from emphysema in 2022, started smoking at 14 and only quit when she was admitted to where she died. She tried many times and many ways to quit, she just could't stop.
  • @danielfallon3363
    Very informative. Kudos for not minimizing the gravity of the issue. Breathing is one of my favorite things. Every time we breathe in and out again we get another chance.
  • @mark-ib7sz
    Just excellent !!! Thank you very much.
  • @patspc6688
    I used to saw up asbestos, as an apprentice on the gas board ( like a snow storm). Twenty five years or so i got pains in my chest, sent to hospital and put camera down my throat, went back to see doctor and the first thing he said, was had i ever worked with asbestos ! Fine for another twenty five years, including smoking (stopped years ago), but now it has caught up with me. Any exertion, leaves me gasping and having to sit down to recover. So your saying there's not much hope ? Well my three score and ten years have passed, but will keep struggling on !! 😁🇬🇧🇬🇧
  • @mavaterhaar8499
    You guys are amazing doctors!! Thankyou for all your videos❤
  • @rockinrob2004
    Much respect & love for you both & guest Dr. I have COPD, AFib, HBP, Type2, survived Esophagus cancer twice, finally kicked smoking some years back. 66 now & still thankfully going! I thank God daily
  • I have moderate copd from smoking. Quit smoking 3 years ago and feel much better. I still crave for a cigarette but saw friends die from end stage copd. Don't want to go out like that. Thanks for all the great information and your show.
  • @lynfawcett221
    Thank you, that is great information clearly explained.
  • @irenedenham4691
    Oh I just love you Guys!!! I followed you before and after 2:29 my TKR and you were so helpful. I have COPD ( passive smoking) and I learnt a lot from this talk! ❤❤❤
  • @cris_miko
    Thank you. Very helpful to understand.
  • @ek19751
    Thank you to all three of you, for taking the effort and time to create these videos and make us more health conscious. Secondly, in recent days, the news is full of 'microplastics everywhere in food'. Is there anything we can do about it? Thanks