What is undoubtedly the scariest drug in existence?

Published 2023-10-05
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1. Come up with questions, research, script, come up with opinions/commentary, polish until ready for recording.
2. Record voice acting the stories/questions, sharing thoughts and opinions and performing it in a creative and transformative fashion for viewers to enjoy.
3. Record gameplay until there is enough interesting footage to use for the background
4. Throw the gameplay in the editing software and then begin typing up the captions, cutting/trimming the voice acting, adding SFX, color correction, removing/adding clips, etc.
5. Final review of the video, if video is not up to the quality desired for this channel. Either go back into the editing software, re-record some lines, change opinions/commentaries.

All Comments (21)
  • @victorjun2421
    Datura has to be one of the scariest ones out there. You could experience a relatively normal trip with things disappearing and appearing or it could literally end up in a bloody mess. Heard of a dude saying that he felt a little tired, went back home, cooked dinner, smoked weed and went to sleep. Once he woke up he was in the ER because he had eaten his own fingers.
  • @vickielawson3114
    Salvia was the worst thing I ever had. I saw a skull-headed creature come from the wall shooting electric beams through my body and it hurt.
  • @Burger_pants
    I love how they censored the name of the PRESCRIPTION DRUG THEY TOLD US NOT TO TAKE EVER. thanks... so usefull.
  • @nikobaehr3638
    As someone who has done shroom, acid and salcia a fairly significant times. Shrooms are like looking through the peephole to the other side, acid is like opening the door and stepping out, and salvia is like getting shot Mach 5 out of a cannon through the door to the other side.
  • There was this story where this guy got some meds from his boss to treat a bladder infection, but these pills had the horrific side effect of giving you fatal insomnia. You can't sleep at all, except for a few minutes or less, and it's excruciating to attempt to sleep in the first place. This poor dude didn't have enough money to afford the experimental surgery to try to fix the issue and he died from lack of sleep. It's horrible, whoever thought this drug was a good idea needs an ass kicking of epic proportions.
  • @cornbaII
    i’ve done datura. was high for over 2 weeks with the most insane paranoia i’ve ever experienced which lasted for another 2 months or so. the first couple of days it literally felt like i was teleporting 1 seconds im home eating cereal next i’m at walmart with my gf. that shit was the most traumatic experience of my entire life
  • @nxthandotmp3
    I have a rare trait where I have what is called a paradoxal reaction to benzodiazepines, a common form of anesthesia. I'm chronically ill and have had a lot of surgeries, all of which I woke up screaming and crying like I was being murdered, ripping out IVs and breathing tubes, sometimes even getting violent with the nurses and my family members. Like a scared feral animal. Would take me hours to calm down. Took 15 years for them to finally stop using benzos on me, I've been easy waking up since. Nothing compares to the completely blind terror that I'd feel, and to being in completely zero control of my actions in such a way. I still remember accusing my mother, who I love like she's my whole world, of beating me (which she'd never done)—aware of what I was saying, but unable to stop myself. The look in her eyes still haunts me.
  • @mr.thomas6348
    Hey, look. A 17 and a half minute reason to never touch drugs in all of ever. Edit: The street kind.
  • Salvia being legal makes complete sense to me. It sounds like it takes people completely out of their humanity in such a way that they realize what they've lost and once they come down they never want to take it again. That right there is a drug that takes care of its own addiction. The happy buttons that change brain chemistry, now those are the ones that are rightfully regulated!
  • @michellegray7892
    I'm amazed krokodil did not make the list because someone who uses it will literally end up with bone showing -because it is NECROTIC. It is like self dosing with brown recluse venom-only worse. Its nickname is actually the zombie drug-and here the term is very apt, given parts of you will ROT OFF with the damage spreading over time. It like someone saw a zombie, a picture of a leper, and a picture of old world untreated advanced syphilis and decide that would be a GREAT drug. I swear you have to be already clinically insane to even want to try this, but numbers show the usage is actually increasing. Scary stuff. Edit to include this PS: I mean it was not discussed in any detail. Mentioning something is NOT the same as discussing it. Please learn the difference before spamming me with replies saying "iT WaS included". I could mention serial killers here like this but that is not discussing them, now is it? To the rest of you: Thank you for understanding the difference and I hope you have a wonderful evening.
  • @julia5874
    Surprised that Fentanyl is not on this thread!
  • @lepwis
    The worst drug I was prescribed was mirtazipine. Low mood, hypersexuality that's actually not fun, Such a bad violent temper..... I had to come off it as it made me feel and act just awful
  • @Lampey22
    Your opinion on the last story was what i was thinking exactly. How can people normalise stuff like that and call it “fun”??
  • @ashy-knees
    I took a bunch of mushrooms about 6 months ago. I downed about 5 grams and then took a walk. When I got back to my apartment I felt very floaty but I felt like something was deeply wrong. I tried to sit on my couch and watch a movie but the sound was freaking me out and so I called my sister to come pick me up so someone would be with me if anything went wrong. By the time she got to my place I was delirious. I had an idea what was going on in reality but in my head everything was distorted. I had a massive urge to run to my neighbors house and ask for help, as if that would hell at all, and I just took my shirt off and rolled in the grass feeling like I was gonna die. I used to smoke weed and drink all the time, keeping myself up during the day with caffeine, but after that trip, they all felt different. Everything gave me anxiety. Even loud music or TV shows would make me anxious. After about a month I felt fine. TL;DR Had an awful mushroom trip and it changed something in my brain for a while
  • @vickielawson3114
    Every time it was mentioned, ‘datura’ was misspelled. So anyone wanting more information on it, it’s spelled “datura”.
  • @lemonfork
    As someone who takes mood stabilisers for bipolar, I am very scared of grapefruit. Doesn't help that my mood stabiliser doubles as an anti-epileptic drug. Its literally in the pamphlet to stay away from grapefruit 😭.
  • @squamnation
    note to self: dont take the alley man's drugs
  • @redjoker365
    Your experience with a drug, even an addictive one, can certainly influence the psychological addiction. I've used MDMA a few times, and the high from it isn't worth being unable to pee (even when you really want to) while it's still in your system
  • @ghostiulian1
    The guy who was emotionally dead... zoloft. Yeah, it pretty much kills every emotions. They didn't realize how bad it was to give it to a kid because it didn't just kill emotions, but any sort of impulse control