Mulan (2020) - Behind the Scenes


コメント (21)
  • she' s perfect for mulan...even the director is perfect for mulan...been waitung for this...
  • As a Chinese-American myself, I feel that it is important to support the old story of Mulan and support Chinese actors/actresses. Even though this movie has gotten backlash already, even though it hasn't aired yet, I am excited to see what they will do.
  • Guys. This is a great moment for more diversity in Hollywood. To introduce the asian cultures and talents to the world. As a non-Asian person, I support this wholeheartedly.
  • @Sl0thba11
    She looks like she’s dancing when she was practicing her sword moves
  • " a girl? " "A women" It gave me goosebumps
  • It’s my duty to not be obsessed after finishing this movie... oof too late!
  • If I didn't already know Jet Li was playing the Emperor, I would have never recognized him.
  • @vaL-kv6uy
    When I first saw the trailer for this movie in the movie theatre, I KNEW this is a going to be a good movie. I can't wait to see it.
  • I love seeing culture and the essence of history. It has so much depth, heart and meaning. I can't wait to see this movie.
  • Omg I’m so happy with this movie I’m so proud that she took this role because it means a lot to show women are capable to do anything that men can
  • Great movie 😍 and the director awesome same as yi fei 💖
  • @JD-sh5dt
    I just watched the movie today. I must say it's great.They focused more on Mulan being a tough woman,warrior and savior of the Kingdom.I would have wanted more romance in it between Mulan and Honghui though,but overall ,the movie was greatly done...and oh, I think the "reflection" theme song/instrumental should have also been used more often in the movie coz it gave me goosebumps when I heard it.
  • @Dizkover
    Just saw it... it's actually pretty good. The director did amazing with the live version. Too bad it's not in theaters.