How to save the ocean | Animation | WWF

Publicado 2021-01-14
We know exactly what we need to do to return our UK waters to full health, and the benefit this will have on both people and the planet – watch to find out.

Together with Sky Ocean Rescue, we’re campaigning to drive ocean recovery throughout the next decade and demand real action from our Government to save our ocean.

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Todos los comentarios (12)
  • @dolphinliam888
    Let's get this watched. Please forward on. 😁🦈🐟🐠
  • @fivesfish
    You say healthy fish and chips for everyone if, but if, people weren't fishing there wouldn't be a need for a healthy ocean?
  • @dougdanciger9
    Make a video about what you need to do to help the UK’s bird population
  • @auriannahall8449
    Let's STOP overfishing!!! Stop eating fish so they have no reason to catch!! Stop the killing of millions of dolphins, whales, turtles, sharks and precious wildlife for no reason!
  • @SevenEllen
    30%? I think you should push for more than that. Ending 'OVER fishing' as supposed to fishing isn't that simple though, due to bycatch. The only option we have is to give it up completely to prevent loss of everything. The alternative means a HUGE gamble of getting it wrong, in return for what? A brief, tasty meal containing everything we can get from plants. We can get protein from peas, beans, grains, legumes, pulses, nuts, seeds, and even vegetables and fruit contain protein, we can Omegas in nuts and seeds. Fishing simply isn't worth risking losing marine life, coral life, and in response on a climate change level, everything else, because we need the fish, whales and dolphins to produce enough manure to produce enough algae to make carbon-lowering oxygen. Without our oceans, we die.