Remember The God Of Your Valleys with Rick Warren


コメント (7)
  • My valleys are so big right now. My sister is still in the hospital recovering fron brain aneyrsm, we just learned that my cousin is in a stgae 4 cancer and my niece was diagnosed with pulmonary embolism which may lead to DVT deep vein thrombosis. These all came quiclkly and unexpectedly this Jan 2019. Ptr Rick thank you for your message that is very timely, my spirit was lifted up knowing that I am not alone and that God is with us and He has a good purpose for our valleys. Please include my sister, cousin and niece in you prayers...thnak you. God bless you always. I never miss a message from you every morning.
  • You are such an inspiration to me during my time of fear✝️thank you🙏
  • 因為害怕, 所以逃避, 因為逃避, 所以失去(美好的祝福)
  • *有黑影, 一定會有光, 美好旨意 約伯12:22 祂將深奧的事從黑暗中彰顯,使死蔭顯為光明。 *何西阿書2;12 後來我必勸導他,領他到曠野,對他說安慰的話。他從那裡出來,我必賜他葡萄園,又賜他亞割谷作為指望的門 *約珥書3 許多許多的人在斷定谷decision ,因為耶和華的日子臨近斷定谷。 *西訂谷Siddim (酒, 夜店, ...); 以實各谷(懷疑, 恐懼 obstacle or opportunity); 以拉谷 歌利亞;巴卡谷 乾旱的沙漠 (無生氣 感覺不到神 行屍走肉... 哭泣; *詩篇84 他們經過流淚谷,叫這谷變為泉源之地;並有秋雨之福蓋滿了全谷。 他們行走,力上加力,各人到錫安朝見神。 *列王紀上20 以色列人也點齊軍兵,預備食物,迎著亞蘭人出去,對著他們安營,好像兩小群山羊羔;亞蘭人卻滿了地面。有神人來見以色列王,說:耶和華如此說:亞蘭人既說我─耶和華是山神,不是平原valley的神,所以我必將這一大群人都交在你手中,你們就知道我是耶和華。 *申命紀11 你要進去得為業的那地,本不像你出來的埃及地。你在那裡撒種,用腳澆灌,像澆灌菜園一樣。 你們要過去得為業的那地乃是有山有谷、雨水滋潤之地, 是耶和華─你神所眷顧的;從歲首到年終,耶和華─你神的眼目時常看顧那地。