The Doctor Deemed 'RADICAL' by the Medical Industry

Published 2024-04-18
In this compelling interview, Dr. Klaper discusses his extensive experience with plant-based nutrition and its profound ability to reverse chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. With over four decades of medical practice, Dr. Klaper provides an insider's look at how diet can be the most potent medicine.

00:00 Intro
02:35 High Fat Animal Food vs Plant-Based
05:00 Telling The World About His Findings
06:25 Results as a General Practitioner
09:10 'Disease Reversal'
10:00 Commonalities in Patients
11:45 Advice for Weight Loss & Disease Reversal
15:00 Mindset & Clean Eating
16:15 Why Dr. Klaper is 'Radical'
17:25 Why Medical Industry Ignore Nutrition
21:15 Diabetes Treatment
23:20 Are Things Changing?
27:45 Are Eggs Healthy?
41:10 Ahimsa (Non-Violence)
44:10 Educating Doctors
46:15 Dr. Klaper's Vision For The Future


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All Comments (21)
  • @garysekerak1320
    I am a 72y/o retired physician who started a whole food plant based diet 3 years ago. I lost 60 lbs and am off all prescription medications for hypertension and hyperlipidemia. I've started weight training, am building muscle and feel like a teenager.
  • At 58 diagnosed with end-stage coronary artery disease. Put on 5 different meds and booked in for a stent. After 3 months of whole plant-based, no oil, no salt, no caffeine, no dairy, my angina pain was gone. After 6 months, I turned down the stent procedure. 2 years later at 60 I have low LDL, low APOB Low LPa Low CPR and most of all have my life and health back and take no meds. Reversal exists.
  • Great interview!! Whole foods, plant based now for over 7 years!! No chest/ heart pain and feeling great in my 65th year!
  • I just love him. A life of honesty and love has kept him youthful and energetic 🎉💚✨
  • @docbegone1716
    Adults Should Not Be Pampered! Great message but I believe that this message has been and is being watered down. It is nice to be nice when speaking to people, but if people are truly willing and "hunger" about becoming healthy, the message given should not be watered down. The message should be: this is what you should eat, this is what you shouldn't eat, and how healthy of a response you get is totally dependent on your adherence to this information - more adherence equals better results, and less adherence equals less results. The "foreign" food will become much more tastier over time, and it will be craved for. The body has to forget about the "unhealthy" tastes and start craving healthy tastes - and it will. Remember people, moderation comes in all forms - do you want moderate diabetes or moderate heart disease. If not, you should not be eating moderately healthy food - it should be close to 100% healthy. Do we want to be pampered or healthy? I've lost too many friends and family members who only wanted to be pampered - I was almost one of them, but I chose to be healthy instead. I thank my long lost disease for giving me the scare, courage and motivation to wake up and change my life and future - that was over 10 years ago now. Whole Plant Based Foods all the way - baby... I love what you are doing Dr Klaper. Keep up the great work. Peace and love always.
  • @elsmooth12
    Dr. Klaper is a national treasure. To him, and all who work with food and lifestyle as a healing and wellness tool, I thank you. Keep up the amazing work!
  • @Gillibrand65
    Excellent video. It’s so frustrating that people still do not accept the truth that’s in front of them…
  • I have heard Dr Klapper speak in London, he is fantastic, so much knowledge and expertise, if only more people would listen 💚
  • @spoudaois4535
    Fantastic! I am a Urologist and give my patients a flyer on plant based nutrition. To bad the Cardiologists, Pediatricians, and Internists are not on the same page. You would think that endocrinologists would know that fat and oil cause insulin resistance (intra-myocellular fat), sadly they do not.
  • @KK-111
    34 yrs vegan, and- though I had true allergies to dairy and eggs- and was raised with the SAD like everyone else... the ONLY thing that stopped me- out of the blue, one day, at age 29- was walking by the smelly, flesh- decomposing, meat counter at Whole Foods, and having an a-ha moment of the tremendous suffering of animals required for the 5 min taste sensation for humans... From that moment on, that awareness in my heart/soul was the driving motivation to never eat animal flesh again. Later, I would travel cross country, and pass by the despicable, cruel, inhumane, barbaric factory farms of the midwest, with cows knee deep in their own manure, confined in the glaring sun and heat with no shelter, and with no green space in sight... I had many many pig slaughter transport trucks pass me on the highway with the pigs' intelligent and conscious eyes peering out of the slats in crowded trucks, with horror/fear/desperation in their eyes... later, learning that these transport trucks did not provide water or food or climate control, and these suffered in untold ways until, and including, their way of death. I will NEVER EVER support this industry in any way again in my life.
  • @veganNat829
    Great video & a wonderful plant based doctor 😊 When I was diagnosed with heart disease (atherosclerosis), high blood pressure & type 2 diabetes, I was told there was nothing I could do about it, except take medication for the rest of my life. At the age of 46, I became vegan for ethical reasons, having no idea about the health benefits. I'm now 52 & have totally reversed ALL these conditions & I'm the fittest & healthiest I have ever been in my life 💚
  • Love Dr. Klapper. He's 100 percent right. Went vegan a little over a year. Had i known what they do too these beautiful animals would have done it years ago. Once you really know how can anyone eat these beautiful sweet sentient beings?? So true about what Paul McCartney says anyone who knows what goes in a slaughter house becomes vegan. I saw some footage on Instagram and that was it for me.
  • @kevinfaust2529
    You are the first doctor I heard apologize for feeding us this medical industry garbage. Most just don’t understand though. Thank you for spreading the truth. You are a blessing.
  • @sharongillesp
    Most nutritionists don’t even have an understanding about a vegan diet!
  • @earthbybike
    Dr. Klapper, a member of the honorary "Old Guard" along with Dr. McDougal, Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Barnard, Dr. Esselstyn. Fortunately they have begun to see the tide turn where people are embracing WFPB medicine/lifestyle.
  • @sciencelad8286
    Anyone who knows what goes on in slaughterhouses becomes an instant vegan. Like Paul McCartney said, if slaughterhouses were made of glass everyone would be a vegan.
  • @macawjacob
    I am just starting to watch this video. I just wanted to say, the people I know including my own family, they are just so into eating animals and all there byproducts that nothing else matters to them. I just don't get people, I have to endure a weekend of meat eaters and they just don't get me. They say you just can't live on plants yet I have done so for just about 7 years and I am older and yet to take any drugs for these sickness people of my age suffer from. I just shake my head. Keep stuffing your face with things that make you sick and I will keep going with my plants. Dr. Clapper is great.
  • @tossyv
    In the last couple of years my husband, from taking 120+ units of insulin a day + lots of other medications, changed his diet gradually got off his medication, then lost 50kg. He was not asked once how he did it, and had to fight with his dr to stop the last diabetic medication. The diabetic nurse who also did not ask how he did it was the only one to congratulate him. She said in her 14 yrs of being a diabetic nurse, he is the only person who has reversed diabetes. Yet no one is interested. Why is this achievement not lauded by the medical profession? Is it lack of interest? Is it they would prefer to continue prescribing medicine? Is it challenging the Drs knowledge when someone can do this for themselves yet the Drs with all their medical knowledge and education can’t do it? My husband is doing well and getting healthier and healthier. 🌿