1 year of solo motherhood (Q&A)

Published 2024-04-02

All Comments (17)
  • @b10aa
    Future question: you've talked a bit about this already, but what are the biggest differences about parenting VS fostering for you. Any surprises?
  • @kirstybarton9838
    Future Q & A question: did you ever question the donors motive to donate? It’s a path I’m looking into but get paranoid about it with the horror stories of people trying to create 100s of kids. I know legally this isn’t allowed but it does make me question what other motives someone may have
  • thank you for sharing this journey so candidly and giving so much useful info. I subscribed to you years back when i was researching sustainable period options and have since really appreciated you sharing your solo motherhood journey. I’m a similar age to you, and always wanted to be a mum, but having a partner has never felt like a priority to me in having kids (probably somewhere on the ace spectrum.) Being a solo parent is something i’ve considered since i was about 19 when i first found out about it, but before I saw your experience I assumed it would be unrealistic. I’m definitely quite a few years off from it but you’ve made me feel like it’s actually a possibility, so just wanted to thank you!
  • @rosiet7158
    Thanks for sharing, I had the same thing about giving formula to my first 💜 the guilt I had was unreal, and it seemed so ridiculous by time she turned a year old, was healthy and thriving. But nice to know I am not alone!
  • @JennyBunny240
    You should take oryn for a little push around the park. I love to take my little boy to see the ducks and nature x
  • Future Q&A question: having received the gift of having a baby via a donor, would you consider donating (eggs) yourself? I understand you've had some health conditions that may prevent this but just curious if you've ever considered "paying it forward"...as such
  • @karinseaman4060
    Time really flies once they're here! My son will be 2 in August and I can't believe it! My pregnancy felt like 80 years though as it was miserable 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 I personally didn't enjoy the newborn days on my own, it was just difficult and a lot! I really underestimated solo motherhood (or motherhood in general)... I only really started enjoying motherhood from around 12 months.. Making all the decisions is great! Unless you have to make big or important decisions.. In March I had to make the decision if I'm going to move my son to a new daycare (nursery) or not... He's comfortable at the new one and enjoys it.. But I think it's toxic for him, so I decided I will be moving him. It was a difficult decision but ultimately I have to do what's better for him in the long run... Choosing his name alone was fun though 😂 Oh and I'm in South Africa and I could only afford 2 months maternity leave, then he had to start full time daycare at 8 weeks old. We can get up to 3 or 4 months, but I just couldn't afford more. And I agree! I was dreading recovering from my c-section (which was also planned), however it really wasn't that bad at all! I was just at home... My son and I. My mom came over during the day the first week.. But she didn't really do much... She did wash our laundry at her place for the first 6 weeks though, which helped! My parents however aren't baby or child people... So they won't babysit.. My mom might when he's older... But the only one I trust at this point to watch him (except for daycare, and I don't even trust his current one anymore), is my sister, she's his guardian as well. They do all support my decision to be a solo mom though. I definitely don't want to be pregnant again any time soon... But I probably won't be able to afford more than one anyway.. I'm already turning 34.. But I probably have time to decide... But my son is super busy, so he would probably have to be at least 4 or 5 before I would even consider it. But I probably won't have another child.
  • Future question: When you decide to have a second baby, will you use the same donor?
  • @raenewnham7490
    I always said i wanted 2 and pregnancy didnt out me off it but having a newborn may have 😅. Hes only 5 weeks old so my thoughts may change again but holy moly is the newborn phase rough.
  • For a future Q & A: With your Adenomyosis, are you considering a partial hysterectomy once you are done with having babies?
  • @averyream1196
    Future question: When you get married, will you want your son to be adopted by your partner.
  • @labellavita992
    Would you be worried about the prenatal mental health issues happening again? While trying to care for a toddler?
  • @kayteebell1597
    I’m the opposite. I thought I would want a second baby as soon as my first was born. Turned out, I really don’t!
  • Are there any videos you wouldn't want your son to view I'm thinking the video about how your pregnancy made you feel?
  • @XFireRoseX
    I'm an American therapist and I'm very concerned about what you said about no general therapy being offered to you? Is this a thing in the UK? Is all therapy over there out of some workbook?