These Oregonians Would Rather Join Idaho Than Be in a Liberal State

Published 2021-08-06

All Comments (21)
  • @ricebuckets
    As many conservatives say “if you don’t like it you can leave” right?
  • @lordansem2
    You know this is probably the same kind of person who says, “If you don’t like it, leave.”
  • @Cinephile1016
    The larger underlying problem, especially when it comes to ranching and farming is that you do have state legislatures in cities passing legislation that don’t think about the effect it has on rural citizens. That tax on diesel could very well be a death sentence for a farmer who is counting pennies and who has to buy thousands of gallons a year.
  • As a Southern Oregonian,I would like to encourage these ranchers to sell their multi million dollar plots of land and leave.
  • @unaeki
    “Good America, and bad America” That mindset is the answer why all of us are in this mess.
  • @FireFox-er7qj
    Those “small” pockets of blue have millions of people while those large red pockets only have a couple thousand people.
  • To those who think Greater Idaho is gonna happen, please take into account the fact that big cities make the most revenue and Greater Idaho is very rural. It would be a economically stagnating State and life quality would lower due to simple economics. Also Oregon isnt gonna give 75% of its land to Idaho just cuz 3% of Oregonians want it.
  • @RTristanBanks
    Ah yes, the good ol' "but look at how much red is on that map!!!!" This is just the last screams of landowners losing their grip on power. You own 40k acres? dope. You still get one vote.
  • @krusher74
    "I like democracy but only if i'm part of the majority"
  • @ricky19grr
    Buddy straight up said libtard in a serious conversation
  • @heyheytaytay
    Meanwhile hundreds of Idahoans drive to Ontario, OR just to buy weed every day. But bruh, if you don't like it Idaho is happy to make you pay for sales tax, and offer shitty low-paying work.
    It's bullcrap that rural America is under represented. Idaho has a population of 2M people with 2 senators. New Jersey has 2 senators for 9.1M people. I call BS.
  • @nate6045
    What's funny is these are the kinda people that when you criticize the police and their political party, they will tell you "if you don't like it then leave" yet they won't actually move their asses to Idaho, they want Idaho to move to them. 😂😂
  • @BookofFuture
    Liberal Southerners have been largely disenfranchised but aren’t seceding from their States.
  • @jamesroland800
    We in Idaho do not want our border changed, if you in Oregon want to be part of Idaho then move here.
  • @cuseyeti5243
    These "Good America/Bad America" philosophers love discrediting urban dwellers. I like asking them the following: who transports your products to market, who sells your products at market, who buys your products at market, who transforms the raw materials you produce into the finished goods that sell at market, who maintains the shipping ports to ensure that your product has a wider customer base, who builds the equipment you utilize daily? Oh yeah, urban dwellers. We live in a symbiosis. When we drop the city mouse/country mouse b.s. we'll be much more productive and all better off for it.
  • @OnGodsLevel
    the funniest part was that guy saying the word "libtard" in a serious conversation
  • @ianloughney9570
    You gotta feel bad for all these people who can't get visas to move to Idaho
  • @PBAmygdala2021
    Wow. This is taking Gerrymandering to a whole new level.
  • @elasmotherium12
    Those who complain that "muh goberment tryna taek muh freedoms" are the very same people who would go apoplectic if farm subsidies were canceled. Pick a lane, you can't have everything.