Chris benoit crime scene photos

Publicado 2008-05-31
title says it all

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @jewelhaines8842
    Man, so. Sad. I can't imagine what the last image his son saw was...
  • @mr.b9613
    0:36 I watched this video probably around 11-12 years ago, and to this day, that visual makes my heart sink really bad every single time and I still think about it from time to time. The innocence of that little boy, and to hear what his fate was ultimately. Just depressing.
  • Just seeing Daniel's toys makes me so sad. Poor kid didn't deserve this, hardly anybody does aside from people who perpetrate violence like this. I am sick of these monsters walking the earth, I wish they could just be eradicated.
  • Seeing the TV on and Daniel’s green sandal made me tear up. How can a human kill an innocent child.🥺
  • @MadfellaDuke
    Imagine being the people who discovered the bodies. How fucking scary that would if been.
  • @DJReyzor357
    “What a lot of people didn’t get to see is how much he and my sister loved one another. If there was a moment of rage on Friday night — and to be clear, it was serious rage. He brutalized my sister. It wasn’t just like, ‘Maybe I hit her too hard and she hit her head.’ He murdered her. Brutally. But when I try to talk about my nephew, it’s difficult, because I don’t understand it. You think about a murdered child and it’s the worst thing ever. But when you think about that murdered child as the one thing you love in life more than anything, because I did, and my sister did, and he did, it’s very hard for me to think about what was going on in his head and in his heart to do that. He knew for a fact that had anything ever happened to he or Nancy, I would be there to take care of Daniel, 100 percent. There was no question about that. It would have been a difficult time but he would have had a loving family to take care of him. All I can think of is that it was kind of a selfish last act to do that he just — I’m not sure. I can’t put a reasoning behind it. He did love Daniel very much, and all I could really think was if Daniel ever saw or found out what [Chris] had done to his mother, that would have broken that child … [Chris] spent two full days in the house with Nancy and Daniel, not alive. Let’s be honest: That’s weird. That’s straight-up weird. There’s no justification for that." - Sandra Toffolini (Nancy Benoit Sister)
  • @hellaawsm666
    awwe! the kid is what hurts me the most :( he had his dads title his dads action figure...everythign! RIP
  • @davidhigh1016270
    He was another one of my favorite WWE wrestlers because of his energy he brought to the ring every night.
  • @nero8419
    This case needs to be reopened, it’s horrifying
  • @danielitshit1307
    1:49 haunting photo right there, that’s the weight machine used by chris benoit, killed or suicide, whatever you believe, you gotta believe that’s a haunting image
  • @linc54
    The knife under Daniel’s bed makes me think two things 1. When Chris was going to kill Daniel with a spare knife under his bed he decided to go the less harmful way because Daniel was like 6 or 7 and he didn’t deserve that much pain but he’s still dead poor kid probably had so much to live for 2. Daniel hid the knife under his bed to try and protect himself because either he knew what was up with his dad or he saw him killing Nancy the possible reason why it’s still under the bed not stained in blood or Daniel just not being alive is either he didn’t have the guts to stab his own father or Chris overpowered him and knocked the knife to the floor but I’m gonna go with the first option Daniel didn’t have the guts to stab his own father Remember this is all a theory NOT true at all just what I thought could’ve happened and what the possible reason why there was a kitchen knife under Daniel’s (or Dan Dan as Chris called him) Bed
  • Photoshopped or not, that knife under Daniel's bed is a really important clue. This dropped case needs to be re-opened.
  • @dosaythat6565
    There are still people who miss him, who have still a nice memory of him... He doesn't deserve all that, pray for his child and wife instead
  • @jerryhamer
    Damn you can see how scared SpongeBob is at 0:27. Poor little guy probably seen everything.
  • @SaxonZXZ7
    23 proofs that Chris Benoit is innocent: 1. Chavo Guerrero - a close friend of Benoit - told reporters that he spoke to Chris on Friday night on his home phone. About 45 minutes after the conversation, Chris told him that someone was knocking on his door and he would see who it was. Shortly after Chris opened the door, there was a "scuffle" and then his phone went off. Chris could only be reached after 3 hours on his cell phone. This explains why there are no signs of a breach. Chris let the killer or killers in. 2. After Chavo got through to Chris on his cell phone, he said that Chris was talking very strange, rude and tired. He also said that Chris told him “I love you faq,” which sounded forced. When Chris called and said that Nancy and Daniel were sick, he didn't look like himself. Chris's voice sounded rough. Chris said, “I love you,” which they said was out of context because he didn't usually say that. 3. The police could not find Chris's cell phone or needles, they say that Chris had injected himself with steroids shortly before his death. 4. Chris's corpse was not hanging on the simulator, he was lying on the floor under it. Another officer said Benoit was leaning against the simulator. 5. Chris had a white cloth around his neck. If he was suicidal, why would he care that his neck was bruised? 6. The pathologist says Chris Benoit died on Saturday. SMS was sent on Sunday. Chris was already dead, how could he send SMS? It is noted that no one spoke to Chris on Sunday. 7. Steroids found in Chris's house are not found in his body. 8. If Chris killed his family, why did he have to write to people? Everyone was dead. No one would have heard him speak, so why write? It would be easier to call. (I think the killer wrote the address of Chris's house to find the bodies.) 9. Chris sent an SMS to FAQ with the address of his home. Why would he? Chavo knew where Chris lived. He spent last weekend at Chris's house. 10. Chris's body began to decompose, as did Nancy's. This proves that he died before Sunday. 11. Why would Chris tie up Nancy to kill her? He was a big guy. He could just hit her once and she would have passed out. 12. The world press reports the cause of death incorrectly. It is said that Daniel was shot in the head and Nancy was shot in the chest. 13. Chavo said that Chris Benoit seemed to be “worried” about something, but he couldn't get Chris to tell him what was wrong. 14. The Bible was only at the body of Chris. Why would he put the Bible next to him and not next to Nancy and Daniel if he knew he was going to take his life? 15. There were 10 empty cans of beer and an empty bottle of wine near Chris's body, and no alcohol was found in Chris's body. 16. Toxicologists confirmed that Chris had Hydrocodone (pain reliever) and Xanex (sedative). The combined drugs calmed Chris down and made him very sleepy, so he couldn't fight back. 17. Police initially said Daniel died on Friday because his body was badly decomposed. This confirms that all three died on Friday night. The police changed Daniel's cause of death 3 times: the first time he died from a bag of trash, the second he died from a strangulation, and on the third he was strangled with a pillow. Why did he die? 18. The police kept changing the place where Nancy's body was found: first it was found in the family room downstairs, then it was found in the bedroom upstairs, and the third time it was found in the home office. 19. Chris's father said that Chris called him on Father's Day and told him that he would like to spend more time with his family, but he has to work. One of Nancy's friends says that Nancy loved Chris and did not want to divorce him. 20. Former wrestler Bam Bam Bigelow died on January 19, 2007. Sherri Martel died on June 15, 2007. The Benoit family died on June 22, 2007. Since this family died, 2 more wrestlers have died (Brian Adams and Johnny Crush in July and August 2007). Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Brian Pillman all died the day before winning the title. The death of Sherri Martel is even more suspicious. Sherri Martel knew Nancy Benoit's ex-husband Kevin Sullivan. The cause of her death was never established. 21. Kevin Sullivan told Chris Benoit that he would kill him. Kevin is currently a high-ranking member of the Satanic cult. Kevin is also a member of the WWE Board of Directors. Kevin Sullivan also had a motive to kill Daniel Benoit because he was the son of Chris and Nancy. Dusty Rhodes said he "danced with the devil" when he worked with Kevin Sullivan, who is known for his cool and devious nature. The Benoit family was murdered on the 10th anniversary of Nancy's divorce from Kevin Sullivan. 22. The news of the death of Nancy Benoit was published on the Internet 14 hours before her body was found. 23. Chris's colleagues said that a week before his death, Chris began commuting to and from work by alternative routes. It seemed to Chris that someone was watching him.
  • @jongearhart1359
    who drank the beer no alcohol was found in Benoit or his wife's system but a seditive was found in both