Live Chat with Seth Perler, Executive Function & ADHD Coach

Publicado 2022-08-02

Meet Seth Perler, Executive Function Coach! Seth specializes in Executive Function, ADHD, and 2e, Twice Exceptional learners. He wears a lot of hats: Education Consultant, Advocate, Speaker, Writer, YouTuber, Parent Coach, EF and ADHD Coach, etc. His life's work is dedicated to helping kids overcome "Executive Functioning" challenges so they can have great futures, despite outdated educational systems.

Hear about Seth's journey and learn how understanding Executive Function can make a difference in our lives.

Join Seth's amazing FREE and live event coming up this weekend (August 5th-7th 2022)

He will also be one of my guest speakers at my Online Summit coming up, September 19th-24th 2022.


👋Welcome to Autism From The Inside!!!

If you're autistic or think you or someone you love might be on the autism spectrum, this channel is for you!
I'm Paul Micallef, and I discovered my own autism at age 30.

Yes, I know, I don't look autistic. That's exactly why I started this channel in the first place because if I didn't show you, you would never know.

Autism affects many (if not all!) aspects of our lives, so on this channel, I want to show you what Autism looks like in real people and give you some insight into what's happening for us on the inside. We'll break down myths and misconceptions, discuss how to embrace autism and live well, and share what it's like to be an autistic person.

Join me as I share what I've found along my journey, so you don't have to learn it the hard way.

Make sure to subscribe so you won’t miss my new video every Friday and some bonus content thrown in mid-week too.

➡️️    / @autismfromtheinside  

👋Connect with me:
➡️️Written Blog:
➡️️Email: [email protected]

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy my channel!


~ Paul

#autism #asd #autismawareness

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • I could feel the relief from Paul when Seth joined! (Understandable) Amazing job, both!
  • Thank you both for this. Very helpful indeed. Paul, your description of 'having everything you need in your rucksack' is exactly how I experience life with my wheelchair! I literally have everything I could possibly need on it, and that makes me very chill and flexible. Whereas, in the days I used to have to remember to take everything in bags, I would be super anxious and uncomfortable if I forgot the smallest thing.
  • I’m on the verge of discovery, I seem to have traits from adhd and asd, so the health professionals will help discern. It’s interesting to me how I resonated with both of you, some days I’m like adhd exec function, other days I’m more like asd. But the super focus can be a blessing and a curse.
  • @Catlily5
    I did very well in highschool but not in college. I have problems doing projects. I wouldn't finish them on time due to perfectionism and problems with starting and finishing things. Transitions are very hard for me. I have mental health problems as well. I am currently on disability. I couldn't figure out a way around my problems. I hope I do someday.
  • @carlottak4496
    Thank you both, this was very interesting. As a woman with both adhd and autism I struggle a lot sorting out what is going on in my brain+body. It seems I have an easier time grasping what falls under the autisms umbrella, while my adhd is pure chaos. So at the moment I am kind of able to make adjustments for my “autistic needs” but I cannot even start to rationalize the adhd parts… and I suffer a lot this inability to make order, since it’s how I conquer things. Frustrating. I am about to attend some coaching, I really hope to find some kind of key. Feels pretty bad not having control.
  • @dogshite9842
    This is a really useful and interesting discussion, thank you. It’s so painful how you can try so hard but still fall short bc of executive dysfunction
  • @ringothecat1462
    Thank you to Paul, it was refreshing and insightful to watch a live video! Thank you for introducing Seth to us! Great collaboration! I'm registered now for the event mentioned. I'm an undiagnosed adult, who struggles. My son is grade 6 and was diagnosed ADHD at 6 yo then also diagnosed ASD at 10 yo. This is all very helpful to learn for myself and my son.
  • This is why so many American parents are choosing homeschooling for their kids! We CAN be the effective supporters our kids need as they learn how THEY thrive. And hearing from people like you two is supporting*US* in that journey. Thank you!
  • @ddpwe5269
    This video just goes to show that there is quite a bit of overlap between the conditions. I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was younger, but I think they missed ASD in me as well from what I've been researching over the last year or two. I'm a yo-yo with regards to what works at any given moment. Almost like I'm fighting myself a lot of the times. Trying to remember, by remembering other things is a nightmare, but as far as I've got that at least works when I remember, is just to tac the new thing on to an existing habit. Mind you, depending on what that new thing is, there might not be many habits around certain windows of time. Like doctor's appointments. Thank you for the talk guys!
  • @thezzach
    32:28 Passion is not obsession. Its ok to be passionate about what I want. Learning a song. Listen to it over and over because I like the challenge of figuring it out. 🤗❤️ I needed to hear this. Thank you
  • @a-n-d-r-e-a-s
    ASD and Adhd is a terrible combination. Your asd likes planning and structure. So you are building your todo lists just to procrastinate on it because of your ADHD since it is so hard to start.
  • Paul made an excellent point about us autistics being flexible as long as our needs are met. I never thought about this but he is correct. It was interesting to hear about ADHD from the inside. Great video!
  • @AshChiCupcak
    Awe, my night owl self stayed up til 3 in the morning and missed the stream cuz YouTube doesn't know how notifications work. Just wanted to say thank you for all you do. You really help me and my husband learn a lot more about ourselves and each other. Keep up the great work!
  • @marieke8369
    I am able to make really good plans for the next day for example (on paper, a well-balanced schedule), yet when the day starts and I have to execute my plans, it’s like everything goes out of the window and I just go with however I feel like that day and I don’t get many things done. It feels like an inability to stick to my plans, no matter what. I just ‘go with the flow’ of the day. I hate appointments, things that are not flexible, but I want to create a daily routine that will help me achieve my goals. What can I do to improve this? I really want to learn to follow through on my plans and appointments🤷🏼‍♀️
  • @KPaul7
    Thank you Paul, I was in the live chat. I don't think you could see all the questions when you asked. At one time you said there was 100 people in the chat. I only saw 32 the hole time. Thank you again for Introducing Seth pearler. I will check his YouTube out as I can do it on my time. Live chats can be hard to keep up with.
  • @anutillman
    Thanks for comparing the notes from both of your experiences; it was very illuminating and helpful to get more details for my own executive function description.
  • Gratulation Paul, that you read all the instructions for new things. I don't do that, because i often don't understand them . The translation from south asian languages in mine (which is not english), is often so weird and not understandable, that it literally makes no sense. We have a joke, that we discover all what this particular thing could have done, when it's broken, because that's the first time we try to read the instruction. And to your question, where we struggle with executive function and what helped us: for me it's absolutly necessary to manage all i do along the timeline where i funcion best. That means that i do all important things in this time and that i fail, if i do not. It's really important and makes a huge difference, if you are an early bird or a night owl! And to Seth: I totally agree with you, that our systems (of work, school..) are too organised and restrictive. And that's not how we thrive best, because our human nature is not made for this. I always try to imagine, how people lived thousands of years ago and what where there concerns. We are living this "modern" life since a couple of hundred years and probably it's not yet in our dna! Often it's not the student who fails, but the system!