Published 2016-03-28

All Comments (21)
  • @luxurylife8913
    I want to be a millioniare, not because of the material things only,but because of financial freedom,and the joy to be able to help others
  • @joecap4372
    My grandfather had a lot of money in real estate. He was on the rocks of his socks growing up. He always said I didn't forget where I came from I never flaunt your wealth. One of the classiest guys I ever met.
  • @allwrighty100
    I love how most of these people who deal with billionaires act like they themselves are somehow elite and special.
  • @edward.abraham
    Building wealth from nothing involves consistent saving, disciplined spending, and strategic investments. Begin by creating a budget to track expenses and identify areas for savings. Prioritize paying off high-interest debt and establishing an emergency fund. As you build a foundation, start investing in low-cost options like index funds, and focus on continuous learning and improving your skills for better income opportunities.
  • @BangMaster96
    Money won't buy you happiness, but Lack of money will bring a lot of unhappiness.
  • @shananagans5
    I don't know about all you fools watching this & dreaming but I am taking steps to get a super yacht. I am stashing away $100 a month. I will have one of those babies in 50 to 60,000 years.
  • @keyquestions
    "Drunk on their own self importance" is the perfect description of today's social media "influencers" and crypto "millionaires"
  • Mom- 'Money can't buy you happiness.' Dad- 'But it makes misery a helluva lot easier to deal with.'
  • @eats4cheaps305
    "No, it's not a submarine... It's an underwater airplane!" So... A submarine.
  • @keyquestions
    Chartering a private Jet to pick up a baby monitor might be the absolute most pretentious thing I've ever heard in my life 😂 This is such an eye opening documentary 💜
  • I was a millionaire. Its not happier up the ladder as many think. Quite lonely when your friends and party goers aren't around for us to show off our lifestyle. Hanging out with people that just talk about money and success can make one feel very lost. I had to give it up to find what this life is really about. Being humble and living within means is enough. Its amazing how having average things makes a person actually cherish it more than super expensive items. Many of these rich people would kill themselves if they lost it all. That's how attached they are to that world. They can't be alone.
  • @DeadBunny69
    'As a jet salesman to the super rich New Yorker Steve Vasanno lives the lifestyle of his customers. "I love my life. I have the most fantastic life. I have the best girlfriend, I have the best friends ..."' By "best" he means he'd be immediately dead to these people if he went broke tomorrow.
  • Making money is an action. Keeping money is a behavior, but "Growing money is wisdom" I heard this from someone.
  • @SashaGS
    My dream life. Can you imagine me watching this 4 years later and still WOW!! 🔥🔥🔥
  • @jornvallis8051
    My number one fear if I was rich would be losing all of my money. Buying a yacht sounds like a extravagance I wouldn't bother with.
  • @jordanmicahcook
    This was a VERY useful video to me. This makes it clear how vitally important it is to keep my “Why” in front of me, and never let money or status become my driving force or that in which I put my trust. It is clearly an easy rut to fall into, because when a person becomes wealthy, there is an entire sub-culture that exists, but I don’t have to go to locations where such competing takes place. When I have built my assets to a place where I no longer have to work at a job, and continue selling my time for money, and I no longer have to pay attention to the price of items when I go shopping, I will simply choose to be content with that freedom. That’s all I’m really after financially. I’ll just use the extra money to bless those I love and care about.