Inflammation? Eat These Foods To Reduce It!

In this video the surgeons discuss some foods that may have anti-inflammatory properties. Although the scientific evidence is not always clear on this topic, the surgeons offer some information that they have found.

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The general information provided on the Video is for informational purposes only and is not professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or care, nor is it intended to be a substitute therefore. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider properly licensed to practise medicine or general healthcare in your jurisdiction concerning any questions you may have regarding any information obtained from this Video and any medical condition you believe may be relevant to you or to someone else. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Video. Always consult with your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before embarking on a new treatment, diet, or fitness program. Information obtained on the Video is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions, or their treatment.

コメント (21)
  • It's so nice to see doctors recommending healthy diet changes over prescription meds! Thank you!
  • @donblay7307
    I really appreciate the camaraderie between you two docs. It is so refreshing hearing two good friends who are both human and humane; you dispense helpful information and you aren’t shilling product. What a rarity on You Tube! Thanks
  • "Every time we eat a head of lettuce we get promised a nice sunny day." LOL right out of the gate. What you two are doing is so unique and so wonderful. Never change.
  • Thank you both for being unselfish conduits of information. Hopefully people will take said information and apply it to their specific needs. Now, before someone jumps on you...IF you are allergic to any item mentioned, IF any medication that you take precludes these dietary suggestions, IF you are diabetic or suffer from any physical malady that precludes these suggestions then do not eat that food. Again thank you most of us here truly appreciate your efforts.
  • Food to eat: 1) blueberries , strawberries, blkberries, raspberry, pomegranates ; 2) leafy greens, kale, Swiss chard; 3) avocados; 4) cruciferous vegetables , Brussels sprouts, broccoli, 5) green tea, matcha , 6) wild caught fish, salmon, omega-6 , 7) peppers hot or sweet(nightshade??) 8) grapes 9) turmeric with blk pepper 10) tomatoes(nightshade??). (11) extra virgin oil (12) dark chocolate (13) cherries (14) nuts - walnuts, unsalted, not roasted, (15) garlic, ginger (16) cinnamon
  • @Angel77_7
    You guys are not only great doctors but fabulous people! Your unselfish advice is truly appreciated.
  • @judil3294
    This is such a funny topic in my situation. Years ago we really tried this for almost 2 years because I have so much pain. During that time of eating extra healthy I just got sicker and sicker with constant lung issues and even had an MRI for bleeding lungs. I was sent to pulmonologist, allergist, immunologist and was on antibiotics over and over again. Then I had a week of not eating well and started to improve. So, after Googling, I discovered that most of these foods are high in salicylates and I am allergic to aspirin and Advil. As I said to my doc all I had to do was give up eating healthy and I've been breathing far better the last 9 years.
  • I’ve said it before and it is still true. Wish you two could be my docs and I could be your patient. Thank you for being you.
  • @tim6991
    Love the stuff you guys do. Informative, straight forward advice and discussion. I unfortunately just suffered a quad tendon rupture and found that segment very helpful. Pretty much what my surgeon told me. Good solid stuff! Happy New Yera and keep the material coming!
  • Thank you for all the great information. I love watching you guys.
  • @Mel-yh8yn
    You guys are great! So sad you guys need to explain yourself! You guys are awesome, hilarious, don’t stop. We all love watching and learning from You!
  • Thanks for all those food suggestions, I’m desperately now trying to think up a recipe to include all those in one meal 🤣. I can’t take anti inflammatories so this could be a life saver for me. Thank you for always being so informative yet amusing, what a combo you two are! 👏🏻
  • Love all the helpful information with a sense of humor. You guys are great!
  • @carla2016
    I sure do appreciate you two! You have shared so much wonderful information. My TKRs went so much better because I went in informed, thank you! I have arthritis and fibromyalgia, taking gabapentin and tramadol, and would like to learn how to feel better, and stop taking both (or at least reduce the amounts). I figured I would need to learn how to eat anti-inflammatory foods, and so this video is so timely. Again, thank you.
  • You docs are fabulous, and I enjoy your humor. 😉 Thank you sharing so much reliable information with all of us. Stay safe and healthy!
  • @lmarcas
    Hi Docs. The two of you and your guest are great! There is so much good information that you share. I am so glad I found you on YouTube.