EFAP Movies #64: King Arthur - War Arc Shenanigans continue

Published 2024-06-05
It's King Arthur!

The one with Clive Owen, Stellan Skarsgård, Mads Mikkelsen, Ray Winston, Ray Stevenson, Hugh Dancy, Ioan Gruffudd, Joel Edgerton, Til Schweiger and Stephen Dillane...

Seriously the cast is insane.

Edited by MauLer

All Comments (21)
  • @Indigo_Gaming
    I really liked Mauler's asides in this one. Laughing and breaking up the silence with the boys is great, but there are a few subtle things going on in a few scenes that I missed until they were pointed out. It's actually nice to see that even B-tier movies from the early 2000s had good unspoken writing/acting bits that carried character. It's not all garbage, even if the final film is a 6/10 or so.
  • @danj1939
    It was funny to see Mauler get pissed (in his own way) that the cast was not paying attention
  • @mister-x2
    Mooler REALLY likes this movie and it shows through the editing. I respect that.
  • @WreckingWood
    Easily one the greatest Hans Zimmer scores ever. 0% musical accuracy, but 110% balls to the walls testosterone to make up for it.
  • @crumdogy
    Mauler’s interjections and edits saved this. Everyone’s funny as always, but seemed like they missed a lot due to the chatter.
  • @Kernwadi
    “Remember when movies were good?” —Bilbo Baggins
  • @jodanger37
    Rip ray Stevenson. His acting was the only good part of Ashoka
  • @CrustlessKing
    Fun fact, the word Saxophone does indeed derive from "Saxon," as the instrument was named for its designer Adolphe Sax, whose surname denotes him as a distant descendant of members of the ancient Saxon tribe.
  • @Kernwadi
    Shad's yelling and bad audio quality are slowly but surely giving me an aneurysm.
  • @SolarDragon007
    As a King Arthur adaptation, I appreciate how this film went back to the character's historical basis, with Arthur being a Romano-British warrior fighting the Anglo-Saxons in Post Roman Britain.
  • @crustboi93
    A few fun facts: The Sarmatians were a nomadic people whose origins can actually be traced to Iran. They inhabited the Eastern European steppe. The whole "Rus" thing is a reference to them living in what would later be Russia.
  • @antiboyscout
    Atheist pagans displaying Christian morality is almost as good as a king declaring everyone is free and equal
  • @cyrusmoore6271
    Love mauler is like, so this is my channel and here's why the boys are wrong in his typical expert analysis. 😂
  • @mtylerw
    Not a shock that Shad missed any subtle moments while watching the film. Thanks Mauler for cutting in during the edit.
  • @jtdavie9466
    If Master and Commander isn’t on this list I’m leaving
  • @BaronR
    Skarsgård's character decided to burn the city instead of living in it so he doesn't have to listen to people making jokes about having a "Sax dungeon".
  • I'm shocked that Sargon didn't notice the villain literally says "I wouldn't even grape you."