Video Games Sound Good

Published 2021-06-02
This is a hill worth fighting for, video games sound awesome 99% of the time and we should spend more time celebrating that. Also, tangent even in the description I know, HAVE YOU EVER NOTICED HOW WELL MIXED MOST GAMES ARE TODAY? Like, you almost NEVER find a Sol XX Ground viper anymore and I don't know how. There's SO many noises in a game that could just go hog wild and they almost never do. Anyway, so like, here's a bunch of links, the top ones are to the OSTs I recommended at the end, the ones below that are to every name drop that I used in this video.

Dujanah -…
Lovely Planet -…
Sword & Sworcery -…

Compass -…
Roll up your sleeves -…
Revvin' My Cj7 -…
Dead to me -…
パラノイドパレード -…
Best interest -…
Painting of Blue -…
First Fragment -…
Flower Boy -…
Creatures of Habit -…

Games Used (In order of appearance) -
Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the future
Apex Legends
Dark Souls 2
Half life 2
Halo 2
Titanfall 2
Guilty Gear XX accent core + R
Dark Souls
Blazblue Central Fiction
Doom (2016)
Doom Eternal
Killing Floor 2
Dead Space
Killer instinct
The Beginners Guide
Lovely Planet
Street Fighter 3rd strike

My Twitch -
My twitter -

All Comments (21)
  • Can confirm thanks to my linguistics class: "video game" is one noun, specifically it's called a "noun phrase".
  • @ih244
    All the work, time, passion and effort into music and sound design just for Sol to Dragon Install
  • @grayfruit
    huge fan of soundtracks that are compilations of many different artists that are all well-informed on how to compliment the style of the game. Hotline Miamis, Katamaris, and Tiny & Big in Grandpa's Leftovers are the holy trinity in this regard.
  • @Varleran
    The way most Hades tracks have an acoustic and an electric portion to them always fucks me up. You spend the level getting used to the more chill version of the melodies, and then when it's boss time instead of a unique boss theme, the electric portion kicks in and you've been preconditioned to anticipate the melody without even knowing it it's GENIUS I tells ya
  • @oh_gosh
    Hollow Knight's ducking on hit was super flavorful. The music is so good that when I got hit, I really felt it since it completely muffles the music.
  • Shoutouts to Under Night In-Birth for making me fall in love with Raito's music, but even more so because of the versus screen theme, like it has that one sound in the end that just makes me feel at ease before getting beaten to death and I can't explain why it sounds as good as it is
  • The way Monster Hunter music coexists with the sounds of the monsters themselves is just art.
  • @ScaredEz
    I think one of the most unique things I’ve seen a fighting game has done with its sound, is Them’s fighting herds dynamic music system. If a character has the lead the stage’s theme changes to match the character’s motif. It adds a lot to the experience!
  • @shammytv
    Creatures of Habit reference makes this your first good video, proud of you
  • @Gilbot9000
    The number one rule of video game soundtrack: no matter the quality of a Sonic game's actual game play or story, the soundtrack always slaps
  • @Sir_Oblivious
    If I remember correctly, the music in DOOM Eternal also mildly adjusts itself depending on the intensity of the encounter and what weapon you are currently using.
  • Kinda surprised you didn't use Hollow Knight as an example of how constantly having OST playing while just walking through the open and mysterious world without it overstaying its welcome.
  • @PrivateNickel
    The sound design in Tetris Effect is just absolutely perfect. It just makes me so happy.
  • @Femtanyl
    i love the yume nikki soundtrack, which is contradictory because some songs are just oppressively noise, some are seconds long loops, some are barely even songs at all. Yet somehow whenever i think about the dreams of someone who will never leave her room, i can hardly think of anything that fits more. It's good shit, bizarre but goood shit.
  • big fan of Hyper Light Drifter’s soundtrack, it’s so ambient at times but also feels like it’s twisting a knife into your chest and rattling your heart in your rib cage with its vibrations the next while using silence and breaks in sounds to really send the musical points home
  • @ketsuban_jpg
    Finally, someone mentions the Blazblue stage atmosphere. It's incredible when you take time to listen to it.
  • @JM-mh6de
    Celeste's farewell soundtrack hits me on another level
  • @ignaeon
    The soundtrack of both Nier games, replicant in particular, is fantastic and worth playing the games for (the way replicant uses snow in summer near the end is incredible. However, special mention goes to Drakengard for having the most bizzare hellscape of a soundtrack. The game gives a horrible oppressive feeling and the soundtrack being a frakenstein's monster of classical music adds so much to that feeling.