Are men or women more intelligent? | Bruce Carlson | TEDxBrentwoodCollegeSchool

Is this humourous talk, Bruce examines some truths… Men have been running the show for 6 million years. Women are more emotional than men.

We can all agree that men are physically stronger than women. Has that set the template for inter-gender relationships more than anything else? Men are from Mars women are from Venus. The education system of the Industrial revolution trained intellects and created generations of intellectually overbuilt and emotionally underdeveloped men. However, Genetics tells us we are identical. Very smart people can do very dumb things. When emotions are combined with the intellect in the right way, at the right time, in the right amount we create intelligence and meaning. Is the real question, can men learn something from women? Graduate of Brentwood 1964. Father of 7 children, 5 girls and 2 boys. On the board of the school for over 20 years and am the immediate past Chair. I have been consulting with companies globally in the areas leadership development, team building, and organization change for over 35 years.

Bruce is the co-author of “The Power to Change”, which has been translated for 20 different countries. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

コメント (21)
  • @Mezzy..
    I'm sure this is common knowledge, but it's important to not read the comments when forming an opinion about a topic like this, because it's usually filled with young people with biased, usually sexist, opinions of their own. Just don't read the comments. It's all mostly obnoxious people who you shouldn't let affect your view on the world
  • @nemous365
    I feel like both genders are intelligent in their own right that's why we have genius in both genders.
  • Honestly seems like the comments section is filled with overly emotional men who are upset that anyone would think women and men are equally intelligent. This is exactly what the speaker was pointing out.
  • @sibby4754
    Sad fact - the first woman to attended university was in 1831. However, the first university was established in 1088.
  • Looking for evidence in history for men's superiority is like watering one plant and leaving another to starve and then saying the plant that got watered was just a better specimen
  • this shouldn't even be a video.. girls and guys both have the same capability of being smart.
  • “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
  • 50% of the comments seem to address all of the hysterical feminists in the comment section, but I’ve seen maybe 3 women comment and I’ve been scrolling for 5 minutes. Interesting.
  • @karenpowell3800
    My mum is smarter than my dad yet he was the one with all the power over her autonomy.
  • @Marth592
    Why can’t the world go back to the way it was where men and women actually worked together? Men and women are good at different things so they are smart in different ways. They are both like pieces of a puzzle.
  • Fun fact: In my school, the girls most of the time (not always) score higher than boys. I know a dozens of hate comments will appear under this anyways saying that i'm a beta, omega, delta or whatever the dog rank, so I just want to say that i'm just saying what it's like in my school. However, boys have better score in P.E, everybody already should know that though.
  • Every one is intelligent in their own ways. You can not compare all men with all the women because everyone's unique, everyone's different. There are many diversities among the women and the men. There are creative man and woman, rational men and women, also emotional men and women. A men would never actually admit if they are emotional because they are taught from a very early age not to show emotions. But most importantly, if someone is a true intelligent then they would never be so narrow-minded to comment "Men are smarter!!!!" instead, they would be able to see the reality.
  • @ezra2370
    tnx u were a big a help on my assignment
  • There are different aspects of intelligence. Men dominate in some aspects and women dominate in some
  • @sibby4754
    Second comment- some men are smarter than women and some women are smarter than men. Bam problem solved.
  • Serious enquiries. I will watch and try to determine whether valid peer reviewed scientific evidences are given and if I miss one please comment for me. (I mean it genuinely, as I might miss some because of subjectivity). Also please inform me also on methodology used to determine intellect of men and women.
  • @karenpowell3800
    Spread your seed it’s so valuable and causes such an impact.