Osteitis Pubis

Published 2017-11-26

All Comments (12)
  • It would be great ! If u upload the rehab for the injury and I know that rest can make it worse
  • @simatai33
    thank you for this informative video! I was curious if there are other chronic injuries related to overworked abductors or anterior pelvic tilt. I was told I could have OP but after watching your examples of diagnosis I don't have pain when performing some of the movements you recommended. My pain radiates from my side groin down to foot and feels like a tight tendon pulls there sometimes when I step off.
  • @glacialimpala
    Wow, I cannot thank you enough! My bf hit the gym and manifested with: discomfort when the barbell is placed on the pubis during hip thrusts; pain during adductor exercise, and finally he can't even mildly squat without added weights, so he had to quit the gym. The trainer told him it's inguinal hernia (??) because he's very poorly educated and didn't know you'd need to have bulging and also that it's impossible to have hernia in that exact location. You've saved us a ton of time and money going to MRIs, US and general concern! Osteitis pubis couldn't be more obvious.
  • So sum of the stretches for groin pull is actually bad for pubis injury?
  • What kind of skating movements will lead to osteitis pubis ?
  • Took a year to get a diagnoses which was today! Now time to get to work
  • @jjbarea5810
    I was recovering and I tried to run a bit next day since I thought I was in the clear. it was inflamed this is the day after it’s getting better now I’m just gonna rest. I can’t lift my legs without pain in the pubis region

    I can squat and stuff but running screws me up
  • How could i get rid of osteitis pubis pain?
    I have this pain from last 2 months and i did physio but iy doesn't work well so coukd you please suggest me what should i do
  • mam am having prbm in my right side beside pubic area.. and its pain worse.. doc said dt its hppnd coz of my baby weight during normal pregnancy... nd the prbm also arsde aftr i gvn birth to mu daughter.. nw shs s 9 mnth nd my pain got worse nd pathetic... i cant move my lower part wn am in bed.. bt while walking am nt hvng any prbm... aftr shwng to doc dey prescrbd me tablet like tizan, and gabaneuron, omnacortil and pantesc and sd if pain increase dn only last option is to inject a medicine.. plz suggest me somethng. is injection the better solution??
  • @amanyos6147
    Plssss i need help this pain is so bad that i cant move my legs