Game Breaking Infinite Legendary Shard Glitch Generator + Free Gunsmith Rank Ups

This is how you can easily rank up your gunsmith and make millions of legendary shards for FREE.

   • Destiny 2 - Infinite Legendary Shards...  

Hola chicos, están aquí por un error de fragmento legendario infinito. Para esto necesitarás algo de luz tenue. Si necesitas más luz tenue, puedes comprar ramas de barión a cambio de fragmentos y luego cambiarlas por luz tenue en Rahool. Para ganar dinero, ve a tus colecciones. Armadura. Arrasamiento. Segunda pagina. Notará un conjunto llamado gumshoe, inspector o aceite de medianoche. Compre cualquier pieza para que brille y luego desmóntela. Notarás que te dio fragmentos legendarios. Compra y desmonta mucho. Entonces compre más luz tenue de Rahool. Ganarás cientos de fragmentos legendarios. Puedes generar una cantidad infinita de esta manera. Arruina la economía con esta impresora de dinero. Compra y desmonta. Es así de simple. Si estás en el rango 20 en el pase de temporada, obtendrás 4 fragmentos en lugar de 3. Esto funciona en todas las clases. Un agradecimiento especial a David Deng por esto.

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コメント (21)
  • @yota1410
    There are currently 15 guardians in front of Rahool right now. Myself included.
  • @Dominic4n
    Bungie: Due to an issue we have disabled legendary shards.
  • @yvan2218
    Perfect timing. I was down to 2 legendary shards recently and am too lazy to farm and grind
  • Sooooo pumped! It’s been over a year since this has happened! The last one was the bond from guardian fames
  • Damn, since weapon focusing in trials I'm between 300-1000 shards all the time This will come in handy
  • After running this for just under 1 hour, and starting with 250k glimmer, I gained 1,892 Legendary Shards and Gunsmith from Rank 6 (559/600) to Rank 9 (408/825). Thank you @Cheese Forever
  • Considering all the farming we're expected to do this expansion, we need all the shards we can get. It seems like they buffed the drop rate for Ascendant Alloys via containment public events, but that's for after you grind for 9 hours a day for 5 of each deepsight opulent weapon, not including the leveling you need for those.
  • Doing this also helps rank up your gunsmith level! Seriously amazing, thank you for the heads up, Cheese!
  • Been doing this since 8AM now. Went from 8K to 16K shards. Gonna keep going until 20-25K.
  • Thank you as always, I'm ALWAYS running out of shards after trials.
  • To be quite honest I think Bungie does this every once in awhile and puts essentially an Easter egg bug so we can stock up on legendary shards. Because it really doesn't make any sense that the gear from leveling should all of a sudden be giving out legendary shards on breakdown. I think they did the same exact thing at the start of which queen with the deep sight chests. They let us have a few days to stock up on what was an obvious freebie by Bungie. Because the very first thing any play tester or anyone that's ever played destiny would do when opening a chest is to immediately leave the area and come back and see if the chest respawns
  • Thank you for the heads up. I've lost 12.000 shards in the last few months due to buying alloy and trials guns and this should help a lot! 😁👍
  • If you fill ALL of your armor slots (45 total) after dismanteling everything, you lose 23915 glimmer but you get 180 LS, have fun and thanks for the tip :)
  • Had 100 shards left, now at 1.3k. Gonna call it for tonight, but thanks for the tips :)
  • Bungie: "Due to an issue we found with telesto, legendary shards will be disabled."
  • you’re always awake at the wildest times to get these types of videos out lmao
  • Thank you so much man this actually made me have a desire to play this again I’m always screwed on masterwork gear I easily have enough to do a build for each guardian getting the high stat armor is such a choir then having to farm gun smith bounty’s and strikes is shit this just made the game enjoyable actually