Introduction to the World of Lupus and Antiphospholipid Syndrome - Prof Graham Hughes

Prof. Graham Hughes, the founder, and editor of the international journal, Lupus and Head of the London Lupus Centre, delivers an intriguing talk detailing two diseases: Lupus and Hughes Syndrome (antiphospholipid syndrome, APS).
‘So doctor, do you have any patients with hair loss, fatigue, rashes, recurrent Glandular Fever and/or M.E? These are all symptoms of Lupus’

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コメント (8)
  • 2 years ago my husband died of catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome. We had a good Hospital in our small area. They did everything they could for him. Nothing worked. He was sent to one of the bigger hospitals in Columbus Ohio. They couldn't help him either. He suffered horribly for about 5 months before he died. He lost 80 lbs and blood clots went through all of his major organs. The diagnosis was very slow because the disease was so rare. I felt he received the best care he could in that situation. This was 2018. It is very encouraging to know that people such as Doctor Hughes are working on this terrible disease. May God bless him and all the researchers.
  • I am so incredibly grateful for all Prof. Hughes does, thanks to him (and my gynecologist who KNEW about APS) after a miscarriage I was able to give birth to my twin boys. The loss of pregnancy was devastating however thanks to these findings my boys were able to be born. Not to mention the life of people with APS are most likely saved, in so many cases. I started to share my story with the women around me, I found that so many dont even know about this and how easily it can be detected. So many babies can born today because of finding this disease. That is something for a doctor, what a purposeful life, such a gift. God bless him!
  • Thank you for this insight i have been trying to get help for 34 months , i am sitting here taking notes and saving all this for my multiple doctors. Thank you!!!
  • The sound quality of the video is quite 👍
  • I have this syndrome and I have yet to find a doctor that can help me! They keep sending me to the next... nobody knows what to do with me! 😢 Thank you for this video, all the way from California