Obi Wokenobi: Return Of The Fandom Menace │FT. The Critical Drinker, Mauler and Nerdrotic

Published 2022-07-09
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0:00 Intro redletter media
0:16 another franchise dies
1:05 beating a dead warp drive
3:25 A word from our sponsors
4:31 mannequin skywalker is The best Vader
8:58 Episode I: the phantom pain ‪@PimpMasterBroda‬
13:12 Episode II: the fans are bigots (mess of a show)
18:36 Episode III: Sand Gate ‪@TheCriticalDrinker‬
21:31 twitter triggered by imperial flag
22:36 episode IV: Lifting ideas from past starwars shows & games
27:48 Starwars Twitter is a cult
30:43 no one cares about rose tiko (trolling ‪@ThatStarWarsGirl‬ )
33:05 Starwars Twitter is the Empire
34:30 Episode V: The Elder Millennial
37:49 Starwars tour ride moment in Obi-Wan
39:15 bad writing is a good motivator to live
40:15 Episode VI I'm glad it's over
40:53 ‪@MauLerYT‬ and the moister farmer
43:25 ‪@nerdrotic‬ takes over after my mental breakdown
48:35 I Quit, I give Obiwan a 1.5 out of 5

All Comments (21)
  • @ItsAGundam
    Get Surfshark VPN at - Enter promo code itsagundam for 83% off and 3 extra months for free! This should have gone up 7 hours ago... oh well. I'll go drown myself. Sorry to keep you all waiting this video got out of hand in scale.
  • @theelder4797
    "How old are you, Leia?" The EXACT same age as Luke. He doesn't know how twins work despite being present for the birth.
  • @jjjmadness8306
    If you have shamed your audience into liking a character simply because of their skin colour and not because they're well written or make sense, that alone should tell you there is no hope for this franchise.
  • @silverblade357
    23:35 Once upon a time, in an Air Force far far away, I worked at a secured facility where security was everyone's responsibility. All personel were trained on how important security was and briefed on how bad actors might operate. One day, one of my airman phoned me because there was a Colonel at the main entrance demanding escort. He didn't have his own badge nor was he on the escort register. He also didn't know who was leading the meeting he was supposed to attend or how to contact them. I offered to go to the meeting and ask someone to vouch for him. He responded by trying to pull rank and ordered me to provide escort. I told him that wasn't happening, secured the door, and reported him to the security manager when he continued to loiter. I was only a brand new Staff Sergeant, but no amount of browbeating was gonna make me violate security protocol. Yeah. He could've tried reported me to my supervisor or commander, but what were they gonna do? Demote me for doing my job? What was the Grand Inquisitor going to do? Murder this security manager for not allowing access to someone without valid credentials? This is a Hollywood trope that never ceases to piss me off because it's so impossibly stupid for anybody that knows the first thing about security.
  • @foff3804
    Reva: "Who's in the gutter now?" (Reva exits scene) Grand Inquisitor: "I'm not dead yet. Also this is a floor not a gutter you twit." Kenobi script 1st draft probably.
  • @RogueFox2185
    Kenobi: A Star Wars story that should have been IMPOSSIBLE to screw up, but like Ian Malcolm would say: “Kathleen Will Always, Find A Way.”
  • @scottwagner646
    The Critical Drinker hit it on the nose with child Leia; she's supposed to be 10, looks 7 and runs like she's 3.
  • As soon as I saw Reeva walk on the scene I knew she would be "a good guy" at the end," cuz Disney isn't original. I literally turned it off when we learned she was a Youngling during order 66..I was like "I've seen enough" told my wife to cancel Disney+ subscription. I never even saw hiw it ended, that was it. Any faith I had left with Disney handling the brand is done. I'm out. I'm as old as Star Wars with disposable income. But I guess I'm a grumpy old man, and I'm being told "it's not for me" ok. I'll take my money and family elsewhere. At this point piracy is a moral obligation.
  • @nemesis91101
    LOL Reva not only survived that stabbing ONCE but TWICE lmao
  • @jada9401
    “Because they no longer have a God so they worshipped corporation and celebrities” damn thats the realest quote I’ve heard in the past 10 years
  • @nahcurtis
    One of the funniest things in this series is Reva’s claim of having dug through the Jedi archives. All these files were deleted by Jocasta Nu a few months after the establishment of the Galactic Empire. These events are depicted in Disney’s own Darth Vader comic book (issue #9 of the 2017 run). They couldn’t check Lucas’ lore but they couldn’t even check their own additions. Glaring negligence if you ask me.
  • @NikoJr.
    I swear that if Disney never brought up all that stuff about Reva being a brave person of color and creating a safe space for her, 99% of us would not have given a shit that she was black. Maybe they should've taken some of that PR and marketing money and used it to hire better writers
  • As soon as Disney made Ewan Mcgregor say we were out of line, even though we were judging her based on the character, not the actor, I felt a lot like Anakin.. the utter betrayal
  • Papa Gundam with a 50 minute Star Wars video? This is where the fun begins.
  • @BlackSteelRaven
    The moment I heard The Drinker say "Step aside, Gundam" it was more exciting than seeing Vader meet Kenobi again after a long time.
  • @silverblade357
    GI: "We're going to leave you in the gutter." Vader: "No. That dramatic crap has a way of screwing us over. Troopers!" Troopers: "Sir!" Reva: O.O *swiss cheese'd*
  • @OmegaTou
    I have gotten hours of entertainment out of Kenobi despite the fact that I haven't watched it, and NEVER will. Thanks Gundam!😁👍
  • @savagepatty
    “We really aspire to constantly, is quality” Technically she isn’t wrong. They aspire to quality because they never achieve it.
  • @pskarts20
    Leia can open any locked doors randomly. But when she was locked up on the Death Star she couldn't open the door? Ironic