George Galloway: 'You Did This As A Provocation To Me'

Following a dispute with our mid-mornings presenter on Twitter, George Galloway, the London Mayor candidate for the Respect Party, joins Julia Hartley-Brewer on talkRADIO.

コメント (21)
  • I love how he dismantles her lies so calmly !!! Keep going george !!
  • @NaZReD
    he kinda made her look like a fool, oh well.
  • @winistan
    George destroyed her ... or maybe she did that to herself.
  • George knew she wanted this and made her look like a child.
  • @iby914
    Was this an interview or a chance to attack GG? What a complete joke.
  • @RM-iii
    She need to put some RESPECK on his name!
  • I love the way how she giggles like a soft kid when George tries to get to the point. The point of truth.
  • she looked like a fool throughout......but of course she is no fool...just pure EVIL...
  • Is this supposed to be good journalism? What a joke and waste of everyone's time
  • This woman is so earnest about cleaners, doctors and nurses. All of whom paid less than some halfwitted gob on a stick who’s role effects what exactly??
  • You should ask her to shut up letting you finish your point.
  • He's calm and convincing; she's heated hence not heeding at all.
  • if you invite someone on to your show, you should at least let them speak. she's in the wrong game I think
  • @Donchampignon
    I think that probably counts as a damned good schooling of the drivelling desperate Julia by the calm and unruffled George. I wonder who thought that pitting a chicken against a lion would yield an interesting contest.