Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover | Happy State of Mind | Day 16 | Life 2.0

Some interesting new advice from new PT, interesting lessons learned from superficially judging people and finding out they are more similar than different, and spending quality time with the family.

I am trying to find a good middle ground for editing/quality and time spent. I tried to add an intro. Let me know if it is particularly useful.

コメント (3)
  • Loving the series, it's amazing seeing you learn and adapt every day. Everyone has their own way of dealing with the situation, what ever works 😀
  • @jsjecika
    We all judge people, on a regular basis. I think it is great that you are noticing that and learning to grow from your experience. It happened to me so many times that I judge somebody right at the beginning. I feel so happy and proud of myself when I discover that we all share the same or similar troubles and beauties as humans :-) This is a great growing experience and I am very proud of you!